@Flyers de Philadelphie

Flyers vs Armée Rouge 1976 Mayhem

Les quatre Flyers frappent les russes en moins d’une minute, ce qui fait que les russes quittent la glace en signe de protestation. Le hit d’Ed Van Impe est mon préféré de tous les temps !


  1. The only time everybody was a Flyers fan.

    I say this as a Flyers dan lol

  2. The only hit that was of the goon persuasion was by Van Impe, the rest were legal, hard ass NHL hits. Loved seeing the Red Army complaining about brutality considering the delightfully peace loving country they came from.

  3. And this is why they earned the nickname…"The Broad Street Bullies"…..and Bobby Clarke was the Devils Advocate every night…🥊

  4. Kharmlamov got so much payback in this game…lol. Very different playing in North America…rather than Moscow…lol.

  5. Don't ever think Bill Barber is just a pretty boy on skates….his elbows were like anvils.
    Ask the guy laying on the blue line …..in Russian….when he comes to.

  6. Когда канадцы проигрывают, начинают играть грязно. Суть всей Западной системы во всём

  7. The 70s Flyers almost completely destroyed NHL hockey. It still boggles the mind that the NHL allowed this nonsense and that there weren’t more assault charges by police. I remember this game, and it had absolutely nothing to do with hockey.

  8. Bullying the Rooskies, took their ball and went home, haha, quitters, what a team they were, Let’s go Flyers!!

  9. Hey AOC and the "squad", THIS IS WHAT YOU DO TO COMMUNISM/SOCIALISM. YOU SQUASH IT. Listen to the crowd AOC and the "squad". You hear the ROAR of patriotic Americans cheering for what was then, and is now, the enemy of freedom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Typical Flyers…..no skill, just checking, tripping, punching….. In any sort of real rules international match where actual playing skill was needed they would have gotten their asses handed to them in a heartbeat save Clarke and maybe one other. "Entertainment" moron value high, skill value… almost entirely non-existent….Also, the comments here are hilarious about the BBB's itching for a fight. These toothless morons from "South Philly" would have gotten their asses kicked hard by a trained Red Army guy gloves off and in a real fight. That simple….Philly NHL= circus

  11. I remember those games well. Unlike other teams that played the soviets that year, the Flyers gave them no respect, the Flyers played with swagger, and the Flyers completely outworked them. Those candy-assed reds lost the will to compete after this sequence of play.

  12. A few mentionables. A few of the Flyers WERE wearing their helmets. Look at 0:25 for one. DuPont I believe. Another is this idea that the Flyers were the only ones at the time hitting that hard. BS! I remember many teams being just as physical, the Flyers just excelled at it. Lastly, the Sovs also played physical hockey when they thought the other team couldnt or wouldnt respond, or when they knew they could get away with it.
    On another point, even if hockey is different today than it was 50 years ago that doesn't mean those players were in any way less for it. They gave their all for the game and the team, for very little money.

  13. Неандертальцы из Филадельфии…

    Нужно было выводить команду, праздник позора а не спорта.

  14. Bill Barber was never the most physical player on the Flyers, but he was an animal on that shift. God what a great game that was.

  15. I am a huge phylers fan and I miss the broad street bullies I love the physicality that they brought to hockey

  16. The Bill Barber quinnella at 0:30 and 0:38 is pretty awesome. Funny thing is I don't remember Barber as a terribly physical player, he was more of a scorer-passer type, but obviously the Flyers decided we're going to beat the snot out of these guys and see how they deal with it.

  17. Valeri Kharlamov and Boris Mikhailov was best in the back these days.

  18. It was a good day when the Canadiens ended the Flyer's tiny dynasty in 1976.

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