@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Faits saillants du match 7 de la finale de la Coupe Stanley 2006

Récemment, NHL Network a commencé à rejouer chaque match au cours duquel la Coupe Stanley a été remportée de 1975 à 2010. Ici, les Hurricanes de la Caroline (la toux la toux les Whalers de Hartford) affrontent les Oilers d’Edmonton dans le match 7 de la finale de 2006, les ‘Canes l’emportant 3-1. La Caroline a remporté sa première et unique coupe à ce jour, et cela inclut le temps de l’équipe à Hartford, mais ils ont participé à la finale en 2002 lorsqu’ils ont été vaincus par les Red Wings de Detroit. Avec l’aimable autorisation de : NHL/NBC/NHL Network


  1. I was born in March on 2006 my dad was babysitting me and we watched this live. I’ve literally been watching hockey for as long as I can remember…

  2. AMEN! i can’t believe Brind’Amour is the coach now. And the hurricanes are looking really good this year.

  3. I was at this game when I was 6 years old. 15 years later I’m here to say … this game is why I began playing hockey. Travelled all over North America and met lifelong friends.

  4. hope Carolina can repeat this in 2021. seems like they have a chance.

  5. Stanley-versary!! June 19th- A day we’ll never forget. And now, as it should be, it’s a National Holiday. Couldn’t be more fitting!

  6. I'll never forget that moment. 200 plus people at a bar in Wilmington NC going absolute APESHIT!! The best part was the team bringing the Cup to Wilmington on the riverfront and I gotta touch it!!!

  7. i was just thinking about the canes 2006 run and waaadayaknow pop goes youtube

  8. As an Oilers fan i am proud of this Stanley Cup run and the season overall! I was obviously sad that it didn't lead to a Cup but the Hurricanes had a fantastic season and the finals were as exciting as it could get.

  9. Ward, Kaberle, and Williams were the ringleaders of my personal favorite hockey game ever, I’m an Islanders fan

  10. I'm an Oilers fan…that feeling that we led series 3:1 is horrible…and that feeling they lost finals in the very same day when I was born…(the 19th of June 2006)…is even worse🤣

  11. I always wonder if they’re actually trying to hit a Canes player when Pronger slapped it down the ice at the end. I mean he coulda just gave a saucer pass! Lmao

  12. Rod Brind'Amour is back on the Carolina Hurricanes as their coach. Let's see if he could help them win the Stanley Cup.

  13. This is the only banner we’ve ever put up in Carolina which is why it still means so much to us here. That was a special team and I hope we can recreate that magic again this year

  14. Going into 06, Tampa were the defending champions, in the 06 final the canes beat the oilers 4-3 to win the cup. It’d be kinda eerie if all this lined up again 16 season later.

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