@Flyers de Philadelphie

Flyers de Philadelphie Dave « The Hammer » Schultz Vidéo de combat de la LNH

Dave « The Hammer » Schultz était le « Broad Street Bully » original. Il a terrorisé la LNH du milieu à la fin des années 70 et a fait partie intégrante des championnats consécutifs des Flyers en 74 et 75. Cette vidéo, sur son enregistrement de la chanson « The Penalty Box », montre pourquoi il était l’un des combattants les plus redoutés de tous les temps. Prendre plaisir!


  1. He lived up the street from my grandparents in Deptford NJ after he retired. Saw him a couple times but was to afraid to approach..lol…i was like 10.

  2. Norm McDonald was on the Opie and Anthony show and he has a story about when he was young, he had seen Dave Schultz in public smoking a cigarette. Norm asked Dave if he could have a autograph, Dave flicked the lit cigarette at him. He said he was traumatized for awhile but later on he thought it was way cooler to have a cigarette flicked at him by Dave Schultz than get a autograph from him🤣

  3. Lol fight a guy that gets more happy with every hit he takes ☺️

  4. Him against Bob probert would have been WWlll but probert was bigger,stronger and hit a little harder.

  5. He was over rated i seen him get his ass kicked a lot of times in the 70 and early 80 s these fights he fought players that dint like to fight except for the bruin player and he beat the hammer a lot of times he just had and off night

  6. One of the greatest and worst songs of all-time. Glad Schultzie got back to business on the ice.

  7. Top 5 toughest guys per era
    1. Ferguson
    2. Schultz
    3. Semenko
    4. Peluso
    5. Worrell

  8. This is the kind of shit that needs to happen in the NFL. And it's stuff like this that got me into hockey in the first place

  9. One of the things you have to give Hammer credit for was despite getting the crap kicked out of him many times he never backed down, even against true tough guys like O'Reilly. Only seen him bleed a few times, his nose is still straight and has very little scar tissue over his eyes. He also must had great upper body strength because even when out classed he always managed to maintain a good grip of his opponent

  10. Their AHL franchise (Richmond Robins) were just like the flyers. Goon squads. Looked like an outlaw biker gang on skates. I know because we were their cross state rivals Virginia Wings from Norfolk (Detroit Red Wings affiliate).

  11. Probert would've served Schultz his retirement papers had they played at the same time.

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