@Flyers de Philadelphie

Philadelphia Flyers 2022 Goal Horn 🚹 (NOUVELLE CHANSON DE BUT!)

Corne de but des Flyers de Philadelphie utilisĂ©e pendant la saison 2021-2022 de la LNH au Wells Fargo Center de Philadelphie, PA. __________________________________ 🚹 TĂ©lĂ©chargez Goal Horn Hub pour plus de cornes de but et pas de rĂ©verbĂ©ration ! 🚹 iOS : https://apps.apple.com/app/id1538079393?fbclid=IwAR1Ak0Vg4_UrlIi2V3sb_C_hY36KHV68b5bFyB4CaQYQB6sRWYuTXt68ue0 Android : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Lougheed.GoalHornApp the Goal 💒 Serveur Hub Discord ! 💬 https://discord.gg/h9ADsC3SDJ Twitter: @FamousGoalHorns __________________________________ – 2022 Flyers Goal Horn – « Copyright Disclaimer En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une « utilisation Ă©quitable » est autorisĂ©e Ă  des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les nouvelles rapports, enseignement, Ă©rudition et recherche. L’utilisation Ă©quitable est une utilisation autorisĂ©e par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation Ă  but non lucratif, Ă©ducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur de l’utilisation Ă©quitable.


  1. I went to my first Flyers game of the season last night. This song made me sit back in my seat and cover my face.

  2. Lol @everybody who wants Doop back. I’d rather have the Barney theme song over Doop. This is fine, but Bro Hymn was peak.

  3. I always look for people saying "bring back doop", that's always half of the comments. How did this become the song?? cmon flyers, new goal song please

  4. Can we all hopefully assume they bring doop back next year?? So many people want it back.

  5. Wish people would stop acting like this song isn’t hype as fuck, people need to stop crying like babys and grow a pair. They chose this song because more people voted for it, doop was ass, admit it, it’s just nostalgic, and the only reason you think doop was voted more was because that’s the only song people bitched about, smfh

  6. My cousin thinks this song is good. He clearly doesn’t know what song this is. Terrible choice.

  7. I just realized the horn doesn't sound as crisp as it used to.
    Maybe it's because of age idk

  8. Hey Philadelphia 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕 You Pieces Of Poop!! You Pieces Of Crap Sidney Crosby Haters!! It's A Shame Ya Hate One Of The Greatest NHL Players Of All Time! A Three Time Stanley Cup Winner Hey Philadelphia!!! Do You Have A Three Time Stanley Cup Winner On Your Team No!! Have You Ever Won A Cup!! As A Choke Franchise! My Pittsburgh Penguins Have 5 Stanley Cups As A Franchise Don't Forget It You No Class Pieces Of Garbage! As A Current Pittsburgh Penguins Fan Myself I Don't Respect The Philadelphia Flyers As A Franchise And Fan Base Never Will!!! I Hate Your Guts So Much!!!

  9. Would it kill the Flying Pumpkins to stick with one goal song for more than, oh, IDK, two years? And each one seems to get worse than the previous one.

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