@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Jets @ Ouragans 21/04 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Jets de Winnipeg aux Hurricanes de la Caroline


  1. I hate to say this, but even though I'm a big fan of Jets, they suck at this season. See you for the next 4 home games, and I hope they win it all even though there are no more chances at making it to playoffs.😔😭

    I'll keep praying and hoping that someday, Jets will win their first Stanley Cup.🏆🏒

  2. It's not the first period that Carolina start to prey on you… it's the second and third when you start to become complacent and they just take advantage like a used car salesman.

  3. hit a goalie in the head, knock his helmet off, then fall on top of him, and none of those 3 penalty things are penalties

  4. HORRIBLE call on Morrissey that lead to a PP goal and then CLEAR goaltender interference on Comie. The Jets suck, but at least they were the better team tonight. Refs stole that one..no question.

  5. I Think Jets Fans,Who by The Way are The Greatest Hockey Fans in The World!,To say that We're Disappointed!,Would be a Huge Understatement!!!,at Times This Season,More times than not!,The Team just Seemed like they were Playing not to Lose!,instead of Playing Hard as Hell to Win!,I Think Paul Maurice Saw it Early On,and I Think He knew that there was a Real Good Chance that The Team was going to end up where they have at Seasons End!,Whether He was the Head Coach all The Way or Not!,and I Really Think that He Came to the Conclusion that He Couldn't get anymore out of The Guys!,so If He Stepped Away,Maybe someone else Could!!!,Or Maybe The Guys would take a Hard Look at Themselves!,but in the end,at Least their Lackluster Play Couldn't be Placed on Maurice!!!,There's Some Players on This Team,that Have just got used to Medocrity!,Collecting their Paycheck Every Week and Going Through the Motions!,and If This Team has any Respect for Theirselves,and The City of Winnipeg with The Greatest Fans in The NHL,Well Then They Need to Come Home and Show it Over these Final 4 Games of The Season and Sweep The Final 4!,anything less will just Show The Fans and The City of Winnipeg that the Team Has Quit!!!,and During This Upcoming Off Season Management needs to Step Up,and Get Rid of The Players who don't want to be Here!,and Bring Some New Talent to the Team to Help The Guys Who do Want to be Here!!!,Management needs to Stop being Mediocre as Well!,I Don't want to ever See The Jets, Ever Leave Winnipeg ever again!!!,But I also Live For The Day,Someday to See The Jets Hoist Lord Stanley's Cup as The NHL World Champions,Preferably on Home Ice!!!,before I Die!!!,Lord Willing!!!,Come On Guys,That's Bring Some Energy&Passion for Winning!!!

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