@Canucks de Vancouver

Accès illimité – Repêchage de la LNH et camp de développement des Canucks

« Maintenant, le plaisir commence, hein ? ! » Entrez dans les coulisses du repêchage de la LNH + du camp de développement des #Canucks et écoutez le directeur général Patrik Allvin, entre autres, être micro pendant l’action. Présenté par Toyota. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, des faits saillants, des fonctionnalités et du contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque canal est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement vérifier chaque canal.


  1. Great video, as a fan to see more of the personalities of management, the processes and to meet the new players and how they are supported and what is expected from them. We'll done!

  2. It’s so friggin cool to see Ryan biech. It’s nice to see him after all those years of following him on Twitter. Hope things are well with him !

  3. 2:42 everyone should be listening to, the archaic days of drafting players because of compete and character are hopefully dying. Glad to see alvin mention everyone competes at the nhl, you need to draft on skill.

  4. Higgins was my fav Canuck when he was a player. So happy he chose to stick with the team.

  5. If this is the kind of work being put in to decide how this roster is built, I have complete faith in this management to turn things around

  6. damn im bummed i didnt run into them at the grouse grind.. would've loved to go up against them

  7. Canucks bought out higgins now they bring him back? This organization has zero back bone no wonder they never win anything.

  8. Mr. Allvin is going to be a good GM.. I talked to him a bit while running along the seawall and so was he.. he talks the talks and sees the bigger picture… I would go through the wall playing for this guy

  9. Two good over age players should be looked at. Alex Svelikoff and Alexandre Ducet. Svelikoff will be 7 or 8 in a year or two. Good corner man.

  10. Great behind the scene video!! I have so much confidence with this management group!!! LOVE IT!!

  11. Canucks have one of the best YouTube channels in the NHL. Keep up the good content like this 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  12. Always felt bad for Higgins, he deserved a cup back in 2011

  13. EP#2 is a big strong kid. God I hope he has even half the impact of EP40.

  14. Did the grind I'm grade 10 in 1994 and a bunch of us dropped acid, best experience high of my life, except for when a classmate had to get evacced back down because he was fat and out of shape and in our high state of mind thought he was gonna die.

  15. you can't convince me that they didn't just see an elias pettersson in the draft and think "yeah that would be hilarious"

  16. Hilarious article out on Daily Hive about how they never fired the incompetent Ron Delorme and Judd Brackett worked with separate draft list from Jimbo B, Weisbrod, Delorme, Aquilini, the skate sharpener guy, and whoever else had a finger in the pie for Aqulini's "how to run a team badly" experiment.

  17. There's some good flows going on there from the prospects looking to give Boeser a run for his money.

  18. Terrible overpay for Brock Bowser AGAIN, now they are stuck with his lead feet for 3 more years, would have been better to overpay JT to keep him as he has a couple more premium years left in him and let Bowser walk for nothing if necessary, and THEN worry about what to put on Bowser's wing. Priorities are all wrong with this organisation, Bowser must have pictures or something because they are chronically over committed to his lameness.

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