@Flames de Calgary

La dure vérité de pourquoi Johnny Gaudreau a quitté les Flames de Calgary

Hé les gars, la vidéo d’aujourd’hui parle de Johnny Gaudreau et de lui quittant les Flames de Calgary pour les Blue Jackets de Columbus dans la frénésie des agences libres de cette année. Y a-t-il une signification sous-jacente à la raison pour laquelle Gaudreau a quitté Calgary? Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Cause he been a bum for long time should’ve been traded three years ago. Plays well in final year of contract. Dosent want puck when going to get hit and is way to soft he don’t care about team only himself.

  2. Do you guys not remember how awful the fans and the media were last year? Or after the playoff loss to Dallas? The entire Flames fanbase was screaming to "trade Johnny, trade Monahan, trade Giordano, blow the whole thing up!" It's why the Flames didn't even try to re-sign him last summer – there was significant doubt about his play "when the going got tough" and Flames fans would have crucified Treliving if he had signed Gaudreau to a dollar more than his prior contract number. The only thing that changed was that he played well, and then all the sudden the Flames and the fanbase were all like "We love you, Johnny – please re-sign with us."

    I wouldn't want to play for the organization after that either. And yes, I am a lifelong Flames fan.

  3. So many people are naive and believe that these hockey players actually would drive more than three or four hours. Most of them fly private so an 8-hour drive becomes a one hour flight, where you can drive your car right up to the plane, board, take off immediately and land an hour later with a car waiting on the tarmac. With Wheels Up, Net Jets and other charter services, it’s really just a cost concern, which is a non-issues for a decamillionaire.

    On a more important note, the overall quality of life in Columbus Ohio is significantly better and more family friendly than Calgary, NJ or Philly. It is a major metropolitan city with a lot to offer. Many former NHLers and NFLers retire there. Don’t bash it unless you been there.

  4. You guys who think any of these millionaires are driving anywhere but to and from the airport make me laugh… What century do you clowns live in!?!

  5. This is pretty simple, as many Canadian fans don't want to believe it: MANY players don't want to play in the sticks of Canada…especially considering the tax rate/conversion. Add to that the fact that Johnny is an American? Seriously? Calgary? Winnipeg? Ottawa? What American would seriously considering living there!? He probably couldn't WAIT to get the hell out of there. Therese are just facts. I know…Canadians aren't gonna want to hear it…but it's just true. You wanna freeze your ass off in some hillbilly town like Winnipeg? No thanks!

  6. And Leaf Fan…you're on notice. Matthews ain't re-signing with you either. Take your "Get-Ready Pill" because I don't want to hear the whining when he comes back to the States.

  7. He wanted to play on a small market team. Escape media pressure. Wanted to stop playing in Canada.
    He’s a great player, but he’s not a team leader. Maybe he’ll grow into a leader with Columbus.

  8. I think there are a couple of issues outside of his family. He doesn't like being in the media light constantly being harassed by Canadian media. They are relentless. Columbus is a small and quiet market. The travel between Canada and the US is really difficult and would be far less playing for an American team. The division he is in vs Edmonton is always going to come up short as the Oilers have become a major power house with a very high chance of winning the cup in the next 2 years. It will be a hard pill to swallow having to play them 6 plus times a year. Plus the rest of the Paciffic division has amazing teams. I feel like he just wants to play hockey and have no responsibility as the go to guy who takes the brunt end of the fans and media. Idk just my thoughts.

  9. Do some more research and listen to more interviews. Johnny said Cbus is only 45 minutes away by plane. He also said if he were in NJ or close driving distance he would have 40-50 ticket asks every game. This distance gives him and his wife the ability to do their own thing but still family can come or they can go back to Philly area quickly. He also mentions over and over about the city vibe and raising a family. NJ was the last offer on the table before Cbus came in. The vibe in the NJ area and CBus area are way different.

  10. Think he didn't want to play for the coach. Sutter said something bad about him during the season,like he wasn't their best player. Maybe just trying to get him to play better.

  11. Taxes in Canada, and NY can really eat into the bottom line. More on a contract doesn’t mean more in the check. Also, he might be the freedom loving type. Maybe he doesn’t like scanning a bar code to eat. Or wearing 3 masks for no reason.

  12. It's woke tard Canada that he is leaving! Austin Mathews is leaving Canada as well!

  13. so in baseball terms is this bascially a team getting Judge and Stanton with Patrick Lanie and Johnny Gaudreau sorry im still learning the jackets roster but im finally past the basics so thats good now i need to learn names and i became a Hockey fan Febuary 2022

  14. It's such a strange decision. I mean, if Columbus had an airport, then maybe I could see him going there. But like you said, it's a 10-12 hour drive to the east coast, and Johnny's family might not be able to make such a long trip. Plus, the roads around Columbus are mostly gravel, with most people getting around on horseback, or oxen. Rich people have buggies, which is probably what Johnny will do, especially since he's being partially paid in chickens and other livestock in trade for his services.

  15. I think Johnny is uncomfortable being a star and he's a God in Calgary while he's anonymous in Columbus, where they care more about college football

  16. People might not like hearing this but this but I think all the talk of saying he was overpaid when he got extended then paying Tkachuk more is what he feels discriminated against. But from a non white guy perspective maybe that's how it feels like for any person when they get discriminated against and whether that's the right or wrong decision I think we'll see

  17. I've had to leave jobs where I couldn't work for the boss but really couldn't out that up front as a reason. So you out something else out there because at the end of the day you have your reasons and it only your business. Go Blue Jackets!

  18. Between all the media attention you get playing for a Canadian team, witch can be good or bad and the harsh Canadian taxes I can understand why he didn't wanna stay. Columbus is a small market and he won't be the center of attention

  19. He wants the freedom of no lockdowns and Trudeau BS! Not hard to figure out.

  20. limited ice time and no trust from his coach in pressure situation.

    Tkachuk was benched … Johnnies ice time dropped and Sutet played his 3rd and 4th line grinders as per Sutet style hockey.

    Sutter needs to go.

  21. "Being Close to family" doesn't exactly mean playing in his backyard. Johnny's explanation sounds a little like Bill Russell's retirement letter. If he stayed in Calgary, everyone would tell that he didn't care (paraphrasing). He would've mailed it in staying there, and he didn't want to play like that. Who knows, the change of scenery might help both teams.

  22. It’s sad that us born players don’t want to play in Canada and maybe the next draft there is a US born player looking to get a shot in the NHL and a Canadian team will overlook a player like him because of him not wanting to play in Canada…if American born players are ok with not being drafted by a Canadian team then fine…draft European and Canadian and the rest of the world besides USA I’d say. I’m Happy we got 3 good Canadian boys coming home for Tkachuk and I hope we don’t waste the 1st round pick in 2025/26 on an American born player

  23. Will all respect…He is an all star game player…Mostly invisible in play-offs. Columbus is a perfect market..Off the medias radar and playoff picture. Way less taxes to pay. No covid travel restriction to see the familly for the wife. Calgary…after you saw Banff and Canmore is pretty boring…No brainer..

  24. Don't need an explanation it's his life but……good riddance to the whiner!

  25. Maybe its because ohio is a red state and Everything else giving him options were blue states and Canada is slowly turning commi with Justin Trudeau. Freedom trump's all

  26. Flight time from Columbus to Philly is 90 minutes. Flight time from Calgary to Philly is 6 and a half hours. Drive time from Columbus to Philly is 9 hours, drive time from Calgary to Philly is….well it doesn't matter because nobody in their right mind would even try. Calgary is just a little too far out of the way if you have family in North Eastern North America. Situation would have been the same if he had played in California or Texas too. Plus playing in Canada means far more pressure both on and off the ice. If you play NHL in Canada you're a genuine celebrity whether you're a star player or a fourth line plug.

  27. Yeah but the tax he has to play in Calgary is a lot more then the tax he would pay in Ohio. As for why Ohio I think because it’s not a huge hockey market. He could walk around in Ohio and not a single person would recognize or really even care who he is. Not something that happens in hockey rich environments. ( Canada, NY, Detroit Philadelphia) a lot of people have a hard time playing for Sutter. Also Gaudreau has an attitude that runs a lot of people the wrong way. The players in Calgary were getting fed up with the ego. Sucks he is gone was a good player and the way he left was a slap in the face for the team that gave him a chance when most wrote him off. Guys the play for name on the back of the Jersey instead of the one on the front rarely get their name on the cup as part a real team they are a part of. Usually get lucky as a rental. I am almost sad Calgary bounced back so good after the start of this off season. Took us out of the running for Gretzky 10.0. Lol

  28. I'm a Flames fan. Johnny Reb left because he wanted to go play in Philly. He'd already told the Flames he was leaving however BEFORE Chuck Fletcher said he wasn't going to move pieces necessary to fit him under the cap and the Flyers were out. He grew up a Philly fan and hated NJ Devils do they weren't an option either. Eric Gudbranson signing in CBJ apparently had something to do with it too. I'm not sure if they are friends but he informed CBJ that Johnny Reb was interested in talking to them. Doesn't matter anyway. After his flyby weakness crap on McLottoball's goal to eliminate the Flames was enough for me. He's weak, he floats out of the zone too early looking for the breakout pass and is not defensive minded when he doesn't have the puck. And his decision making on the ice has to be one of the worst I've seen recently. He left between $10,000,000 to $15,000,000 on the table to go to a playoff bubble team. The only way he's going to the Finals is to buy a ticket to watch it. He told the Flames he wanted to play closer to home and strung the Flames along with his will he won't he resign schtick, and he obviously didn't even do that so he's a lying scumbag to boot. Meanwhile the Flames retooled with better replacements. Good riddance, douchebag.

  29. It's interesting that fans expect to know exactly why a player wants to leave. Would they be any happier if he said it sucks to live in the frozen tundra of Calgary and he was tired of it after spending a third of his life there? He's closer to home, no customs and vaccine crap every time family visits. It's a 2 hour flight from Philadelphia. His family won't travel by Greyhound to visit.

  30. I remember hearing somewhere that he wanted out because of the way canadian teams handled covid and travel during it, they werent letting people out at all and he was basically trapped in calgary, could be wrong but it would make sense if that was the case

  31. He got away from the pressure to win. This makes sense considering his constant buckling under playoff pressure. Playoff Gaudreau has consistently been a shadow of regular season Gaudreau. In Columbus, he can hide. There will be little pressure. Running away from that proves he was never going to be the guy to get them over the hump. Which means a change was needed. He may have done them a favor by forcing this change. What case scenario, they don't get over the hump. That's the same situation they were already in. At least this way, they MAY get over the playoff hump the prior core group proved again and again they couldn't overcome.

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