@Canadiens de Montréal

Panthères @ Diables 4/2 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Panthers de la Floride aux Devils du New Jersey


  1. The first half of these highlights had Florida playing some of the worst defense I've seen since Steve Montador was in Buffalo. To be able to regroup after that is wildly impressive.

  2. What the hell Jersey. They need a goalie bad, hopefully they get a good pick in the draft. They are so fun to watch and their offense is amazing. Dump Subban and a couple other D players and pick up some good drafts and this team will be fire in the next few years. I was thinking in my head 'damn, Jersey has beat Av's, Carolina and Florida this season..' until the last 5 minutes haha

  3. I loved watching the Devils coaching staff just leave so quickly. Even when the game looks like it might be over for the panthers, they can come back. GO PANTHERS!!

  4. 5 goals from our defense! That’s how you step up in the absence of Aaron Ekblad!! This team is special 🙏🏼

  5. I swear the Panthers don't start playing until they are down 3 goals or more. When they are up by a goal i am nervous but when they go down by 3, I start thinking ok this is their game to win. Its been like this all year and the goalies both Bob's and Knights reflect it. Not counting all the other bums that filled in when both of them where out.

  6. I hope the Panthers win it all if Tampa doesn't because what they had to go through with Joel Quenneville getting fired and then having to have Andrew Brunette step in as head coach. He is working miracles with this team and they look legit. Chiarot has been a great addition to this team and if Ekblad comes back for the playoffs. I think they could possibly beat Tampa. Gonna be hard though, but anything can happen come playoff time. I think Calgary could give Florida the biggest trouble come playoff time. They are my favorites out west. Best of luck to the Panthers!

  7. Being a lifelong devils fan I feel like the goalie issues are the Marty curse lol ever since they tried to push him out and replace him with Schneider it's been increasingly downhill since

  8. Bob laid an 🥚 tonight. So what a luxury is for Florida to have an offense like theirs. What an embarrassment of riches they have in firepower.

  9. Devs went hard, Fla didnt care were taking the night off. Then decided to score 5g to win. NYR playoff bound, Devs golf course bound. LGR!

  10. Fell in love with Florida when I visited there. I have my Panthers og shirt and cap

  11. i almost left my computer early once it was 6-2. unbelievable comeback, but we need to stop letting them score so easily off turnovers

  12. New fan: cats for cup Panthers gonna win it all this year!
    Old fan: please oh please let this be the year we get out of the first round

  13. We cant give up that amount of goals and expect to win. That will be an issue for the play offs

  14. God, I love my Panthers, I turned the game off when it was 6-2 going into the 3rd period, I cant wait for the playoffs baby. I will never turn a Panthers game off again. GO PANTHERS!!!!

  15. I’m not sure this style of play translates to playoff victories, but still impressive.

  16. Егора с первым Хет – триком! Но какой же хреновый вратарь , и защита у Дьяволов! Просто писец!

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