@Predators de Nashville

Prédateurs @ Coyotes 29/04 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2022

Faits saillants prolongés des Predators de Nashville aux Coyotes de l’Arizona


  1. Coyotes despite their record have played really well to close out their season

  2. colorado avalanche fans spam back at me with me ! number one seed is lucked out because of the worst west team in the conference coyotes ! all the comments i predict will be from colorado avs fans because it is so much easier to face the number 8 seed than the dallas stars ! because they were in the finals just 2 years ago ! that is why this video is loaaded with colorado fans and not calgary fans or even coyote lol fans ! spam back with me if you agree because you are a colorado avalanche follower fan or native watching this !!! now calgary is mad because they have to play easier team dallas instead; wait what? because overrated teams are worried about the stars? who ? spam replies back about our / my team coloradoo !!! its cold weather so i thought they had fans ? guys whered yall go 👵

  3. Words cannot describe how thankful Stars fans are. Thank You Arizona

  4. At first you'd think oh there's a lot of people to support the end of the season but really their saying goodbye to their arena. It's nice they won in fantastic fashion though.

  5. As a Dallas fan I couldn't thank the coyotes more for that comeback. Have fun in Colorado Nashville 😂👋

  6. I guess the Predators really wanted Colorado in the first round. Careful what you wish for. Let's see, playoffs are impossible to predict

  7. Fitting that a guy named Shane scored the last goal in that arena.

  8. As a Flames fan, all I can say is Nashville didn't want to play Calgary in the first round. Nice thrown game Nashville. LoL!

  9. Dallas Stars fan. Damn coyotes I love the heart you show. Down 0-3 in Dallas and come back to win. Down 0-4 come back and win. Thanks for the help, good luck in the draft good luck next year. Cheers boys.

  10. I was at that game and everyone was chanting Vejemelka sucks 😂 but what a comeback once they switched goal tenders! A good win. for there last game in there arena!

  11. Minnesota born, Arizonian last 10 years. This was the best game I have ever been too. Love the Yotes, so glad hockey is in the Valley.

  12. As a flames fan, I can honestly say, the predators made me lose my mind last night. I’m not so confident about playing Dallas. And how the hell do you guys blow a 4 goal lead to the coyotes??????

  13. What a way to end it in Glendale! First and only 4-0 comeback that there will ever be in that building. Go Yotes!

  14. That’s crazy, first the near comeback against dallas when they were down 3-0 in the third, now this and winning in regulation time – Coyotes have been on a rampage this week…

  15. Thank you Coyotes. At least my Stars don't have to play the Avalanche in the first round.

  16. Wesgate made a terrible decision by kicking the yotes out cause “we weren’t bringing any business”, let’s go yotes.

  17. I was at the game, it was awesome. Thanks Philly for giving the Yotes Gostisbehere (and throwing in two draft picks) for free. That really seems to have shored up your defense lol.

  18. Good luck against the full strength Avs, literally the first time all year they’re healthy

  19. dallas flames fans want the albertasaurus cuz its el gigante although colorado prefering dallas makes no sense since no avalanche fans are on wild card vs non playoff teams highlight videos. stop worrying about the lowest 2 seed teams unless youre a lady bug all the time

  20. Final game at Gila River Arena as the Arizona Coyotes, the next season it'll be move to Arizona State University.

  21. ArIzOnA dOeSn'T HaVe AnY FaNs. ThEy ShOuLd jUsT mOvE. lol ya they def have fans clearly. when the team does well that place is packed

  22. This is the reason why the Preds choked the series against Colorado. Not because of anything they did in that series, but because they blew this 4-0 lead.

  23. why did the predator coyote game get so many dallas fans instead of colorado or arizona ? prolly cuz dallas sucked this year as a wild card and lost in 1st round ? but still , …

  24. ​ @Devin Myer dallas fans should have left this video after losing in wild card round so 🦶🙋‍♂️ dont come back here ever whoever 🌴🚢 take a boat to actual dallas games videos .

  25. @Emeka Bailey new fact 'o life : 1 female calgary fan wins bet over every male dallas fan (impossible to estimate the number of male stars fans since their first round loss to flames.). 🎺🎺

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