@Panthers de la Floride

Les Panthers de la Floride dominent tout le mois de janvier

Attrapez certains des meilleurs buts des Panthers de la Floride tout au long du mois de janvier. Les 73 buts des Panthers de la Floride sont les plus marqués par une équipe de la LNH en un mois civil au cours des 25 dernières saisons.


  1. Still a lot of empty seats..can't even find enough band wagon jumpers to go to a game. Tickets are probably 10 bucks.

  2. It feels good to be a panthers fan for the first time in my life. And going 12-3 in the month of feels awesome

  3. most goals in a single month in 25 seasons? kinda nice, well done! not a panthers fan but i'll root for them in the east for sure

  4. This great season will not mean anything unless they make it to the finals and win the Stanley Cup. I'm saying this because this is my favorite hockey team

  5. I’m a Canadian so how the Florida panthers ever did was never a matter to me. However I’m so happy for them.

  6. I was born the year after '96, so I can FINALLY say it feels good to be a Panthers fan 🐀🐀🐀

  7. It looks like you have to score at least 5 goals to have a chance to beat the Panthers. Otherwise, it seems like you have no luck. They are almost unstoppable. Go Panthers!!

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