@Maple Leafs de Toronto

[Jonas Siegel] Les Leafs viennent d’annoncer que Jake Muzzin ratera le début du camp en raison d’un mal de dos. Il devrait revenir sur la glace la semaine prochaine.

[Jonas Siegel] Les Leafs viennent d’annoncer que Jake Muzzin ratera le début du camp en raison d’un mal de dos. Il devrait revenir sur la glace la semaine prochaine.



  1. thewolfshead

    Looks like liquor is back on the menu.

  2. Threw his back out in that golf tournament on the weekend eh?

  3. HemiKooks

    Omggggggg this guys such a bandaid now. It’s a little annoying

  4. MatchMirner

    It’s a week of camp. Dont think people should freak out about this one

  5. RegisteredRedditUser

    Sandin could be missing a good opportunity here if Muzzin is as worn down as he seems

  6. Sonicboom343

    What’s our top 6 look like now,

    Rielly – Brodie

    Gio – Holl


  7. 3X-Leveraged

    Kind of expected this.. anyone else hear what Dubas said at their golf tournament earlier this week when asked who the best golfer on the team was?

    “Jake Muzzin by far, he’s so good they aren’t even letting him play today”

  8. swimbaitjesus

    Sandin gunna be pissing away this opp

  9. georgie336

    They should have traded Muzz over the summer… I love the guy but he’s aging, if they run him the whole season he’ll be ineffective or injured in the playoffs. Unless they plan to LTIR him for a large portion of the season I really question his ability to play late in the season.

  10. Sure seemed fine when everyone said he was the best golfer on Monday.

  11. thismadhatter

    Muzzin going out with back surgery or a long term injury could be a big juicy blessing.

  12. wydbabyy

    I think it’s time jake hangs them up

  13. Rowdy_Roddy96

    Ok at this point I am wondering if the Leafs are going to try and pull a Tampa Bay here? Even after a few months off Muzzin hasn’t been the same D Man as he has been in previous years if his back is that much of an issue but he is still rostered so maybe the reason why they haven’t traded Kerfoot or Holl at all is because they know Muzzin is going to be placed on the LTIR for a long period of time and his cap can completely fit both Holls and Kerfs caps under it but the Leafs need Muzzin to play a few games then be placed on IR so the Leafs would then give the league an excuse to do so?

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