@Ducks d'Anaheim

Faits saillants de la LNH | Bruins contre Ducks – 1 mars 2022

Trevor Zegras a marqué avec moins de 30 secondes à jouer dans le temps réglementaire pour soulever les Ducks d’Anaheim devant les Bruins de Boston 4-3.


  1. Im kinda hoping that the Ducks lose more than 15 of there remaining games so we get better odds at Shane Wright

  2. Наконец-то победа!!!
    Давайте утки вперёд!!

  3. penalty call in a 3-3 game with 40 seconds left. Great job NHL, another scripted outcome.

  4. Always hate seeing so many opposing fans in our arena, especially Boston ones… Good win boys.

  5. Great night for me last night …booins and scab lose , (well losing is natural for the scabs)

  6. Carrick is a tough ass dude. He ate some straights straight to the face on one knee and still fought back. I commend that!

  7. It was hilarious watching all those Bruins fans leaving the building after being so confident the Bruins would win 🤣😂🥲

  8. Good and fair unbiased commentary, great ending to the game aswell, Foligno was on fire, pasta had a few mistakes but still, hard fought win for the ducks.

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