@Canadiens de Montréal

Faits saillants de la LNH | Panthers contre Red Wings – 17 avril 2022

Aleksander Barkov a délivré deux passes décisives, Anton Lundell a ajouté deux buts à son total de la saison et les Panthers de la Floride ont battu les Red Wings de Detroit 6-1.


  1. Я бы на месте Детройта прикупил 2-3 перспективных российских парней!

  2. how is anyone going to beat florida in the playoffs, this team is so stacked

  3. These teams in the East going into the playoffs will be facing a formidable foe in the Panthers of Florida

  4. Great game by Knight. If goaltending stays solid I’d say we’ll have a solid chance of enhancing.

  5. That short handed goal was ridiculous. Does Barkov have eyes on the back of his head??? What a pass, what a finish by Lundell!💥💥💥

  6. Why hasn't Blashill been fired like 3 years ago? I'm absolutely unable to understand him as the Wings' HC.

  7. The Panthers are one impressive club yet few are thinking they can win the Cup. I feel they definitely can. Since Tampa will NOT be a 1st round opponent (doubtful), the Panthers can gain confidence after a 1st round win, and take on each opponent after.

  8. Пока Ларкин совершает подвиги в одиночку – Панарин, кучеров и капризов ищут свободные клюшки возле пустых ворот. Хоккей игра командная.

  9. И не собираются сбавлять обороты Панты, где у вас тормоза ребята!!

  10. People make fun of floridas fanbase every. Single. Game. But heres an origional 6 team with a boat load of cups and 25 years of straight playoffs but a few bad season and they have a half full arena goes to show you winning brings people in

  11. I was at the game and had great seats; perfect for catching every mistake the Wings made! Game was freaking joke! It was like watching a little league team go up against the pros.

  12. Florida is just so fun to watch lol. Barkov looks like he has that unstoppable force behind him this year. Reminds me of Dustin Brown in the 2012 playoff run but better.

  13. Got a question for you guys. As a Canucks fan, we may not make the playoffs BUT I’ve been watching every single panthers games as well and I want them to win the cup so bad. Is that just jumping on the bandwagon for the f**k of it? Or is it ok since they are monstrous and so much fun to watch.

  14. Ah, there's nothing better then seeing Detroit humiliated in their own building LOL they're far removed for their 90s glory days, and I for one say "It's about time"

  15. I think the Panthers will defeat the Capitals rather easily (my prediction for the first round matchup) 4-1 or 4-2, then go on to play the Lightning in the 2nd which will be a tall order. Hope they can do it.

  16. Барков красавчик посмотрел назад увидел партнёра и такую передачу отдал..!))

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