@Lightning de Tampa Bay

GOTTA SEE IT: Ross Colton tire le vainqueur du match à domicile dans les secondes mourantes du match 2

Regardez l’attaquant du Lightning de Tampa Bay, Ross Colton, marquer le but vainqueur dans les dernières secondes du match 2 pour propulser le Lightning à une avance de 2-0 sur les Panthers de la Floride.


  1. This reminds me of game 2 of the 2020 ECF where the Islanders lost the tie with under ten seconds left n a 2-1 loss.

  2. There is something hilarious about watching two NHL teams in Florida…in the same state, fighting for a playoff run against each other and there’s boo’s on one side and cheers on another. It’s surreal. It’s the same state 🤣

  3. I mean Tampa is really lucky to be in round 2. They were almost out in game 6 last series, refs got them here though

  4. Panthers Fans… "WHYYYYYY!!!!"
    Lightning Fans, "Really?! ok Thank ya very much, see ya in Tampa"
    Announcers and post game: well here's the reason why and what WE would have done different. oh yeah and lets mention 0-25 on the PP for Florida.

  5. Love the look of "shock" on the faces of the Panther fans, players, and coaches as the Bolts score the winning goal with only a few seconds remaining. Awesome!!!

  6. Klutcherov to Ross the Boss with 3.8 seconds left in regulation! These Bolts are something else!

  7. How is it 2022 and I’m watching this in 720p still? I can literally watch porn in 8k and 4K but sports broadcast all over are stuck in 2011.

  8. My favorite thing about the clip, is that Weegar didn't finish his check. Which should have been an all but autopiloted smash into the boards. But hilariously, Weegar immediately knew he blew it and just kinda meh'd and turned around. Poor guy.

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