@Blues de Saint-Louis

Blues de Saint-Louis (LNH) | MEILLEUR RETOUR | Prix ​​​​Espy 2019

St. Louis Blues (NHL) a remporté le prix du « MEILLEUR RETOUR » aux ESPY 2019. J’ESPÈRE QUE TU AS APPRÉCIÉ! AIMEZ ET ABONNEZ-VOUS ! Tous les droits sont réservés. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur prévue. Cette vidéo est à but non lucratif, réalisée à des fins de divertissement uniquement. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement enfreindre. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur de l’utilisation équitable. *Je ne suis pas propriétaire de la musique affichée dans cette vidéo. La propriété appartient au(x) propriétaire(s) respecté(s). Utilisé dans le cadre de la politique d’utilisation équitable.* Musique utilisée à des fins de divertissement uniquement


  1. Of course it's not the same team from December, because Binnington wasn't with the professional team.

  2. Such a heavy weight lifted off The Gateway City…thank you 2019 St. Louis Blues & Laila (of course)

  3. Looks like a great opportunity for the people in the audience to see what real athletes look like.

  4. Hockey is the hardest, most gruelling sport to play. The Stanley cup is the hardest trophy in sports to win. And these guys pulled off a miracle. Best comeback? Bs. Best team.

  5. – From last place overall in January….to Stanley Cup champions in June. Incredible. Congratulations to the St. Louis Blues!!

  6. As a Washington Nationals fan, I feel that I owe a big apology to St.Louis Blues fans. In the aftermath of my team's postseason run, it pissed me off to read so many comments on social media saying that the playoffs were terrible and that they refused to watch the postseason SOLELY because my team had advanced. My reaction--if you guys were REALLY baseball fans, you would have watched and seen the biggest comeback of the yea—

    record scratch

    In baseball, you would indeed have to go back a hundred years to see team that as poor a record as the Nats did on May 24th come back to win the World Series, but even then—the Nats weren't in last place in their division. (Hello, Derek Jeter and the Miami Marlins!) The Blues—as late as January 3rd—had the worst record in the NHL—-and the season is nearly half over! Granted more teams make the playoffs in the NHL than in baseball, but still—the WORST record! That's a bigger accomplishment than what the Nats did in October.

    And why didn't I realize this at the time? Because I stopped paying interest to the NHL playoffs after my team, the defending Stanley Cup champions were knocked off by the Carolina Hurricanes. My bad, and congratulations Blues fans!

  7. I swear to god there needs to be a movie made about this Blues team. Most incredible come back in sports history

  8. "Lemme just take my tooth out" 😂😂😂


  9. The Blues organization is a class act, after winning the Stanley Cup they presented Laila Anderson with a Stanley Cup ring just like the players received, and her name is inscribed on each ring.

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