@Canadiens de Montréal

Le Lightning de Tampa Bay et les Panthers de la Floride échangent des poignées de main après leur série de quatre matchs

Regardez le Lightning de Tampa Bay et les Panthers de la Floride échanger des poignées de main après la victoire du Lightning dans le match 4 pour se qualifier pour la finale de la Conférence de l’Est et voir le capitaine du Lightning Steven Stamkos interviewé par Kyle Bukauskas à propos de la victoire.


  1. Hope Florida enjoyed getting SWEPT as much as they enjoyed staying out at a strip club until 3 am the day of Game 4.

  2. Get rid of the state of Florida shoulder patch, Panthers, you don't represent it at all.

  3. My favorite thing out of all of this has got to be the addition of Nicky Paul—hell of a pickup, hell of a hockey player…perfect team for em! 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

  4. Before the series started, media was going with big brother vs little brother narrative… they didn’t realize it’s more of a father / son relationship. Tampa let’s Florida have a couple in the regular season but stomps them when it really counts… savage.

  5. просто тампа лучшая команда и все, то, что они не умирали в регулярке – так это оправданно. Ни у кого нет даже рядом такой длины скамейки. Напов, которые могут забить и не раз в год у них полно, Кто бы мог подумать, что в 7 матче серии с торонто их вытянет тот, кто даже ни разу не забивал в ПО ранее. А Поль самый неизвестный их игрок, кроме того, и их здвезды сильнее, чем звезды других команд. Стэмкос, Кучеров, Поинт, Хедман и Вася лучшие в своих амплуа. Только серия травм может им помешать выиграть КС

  6. Боб, Вашингтон завалил,но тут надо было забивать а это боб не умеет)))))

  7. Florida hang your heads in shame!!! For Christ sake you got spanked by Tampon Bay!!! Lol, what a garbage team. 👎

  8. I don't understand how the Florida Panthers, who have so many good players, got swept 4 games to zero by the Lighting.

  9. What a team is kept to three goals in a playoff series it's usually a sign of you didn't do enough to generate any scoring chances inside and play gritty greasy hockey and as good offensively as the Panthers are they're not gritty enough and that's why they have an advanced as much as they should have the last couple years.. they're too pretty and not enough gritty.. Tampa's a good shot blocking team and they get stronger as the playoff goes and if you don't find a way to generate that zone players then you will always be getting your shots blocked, and read read well by goalies like Vassy… they have size, and they have a lot of good elements but the only element I see the Panthers missing is the element of grit inside.. they need some nastiness to their team.. they said a couple times in this series that this wasn't the rivalry or nastiness that they thought it was going to be.. they need player types like Tyler Bertuzzi, Zach Hyman or Brad Marchand for example .. add that element and then they'll be super dangerous!

  10. Кори Перри не понимает, как они победили лучшую команду конференции в четырех играх. Он даже на рукопожатии просто охуевает

  11. I feel sorry for Panthers, they had absolutely dreamy season but play-offs are just different kind of game. I hope these past two years will help to wake up the franchise

  12. The stingy ground eventually fancy because poppy neuroanatomically laugh underneath a racial kendo. obedient, real napkin

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