@Canadiens de Montréal

Le but des Panthers de la Floride annulé dans le match 1 en raison de l’interférence du gardien de but

L’attaquant des Panthers de la Floride Sam Bennett voit son but refusé parce que les arbitres ont qualifié d’interférence du gardien de but Andrei Vasilevskiy.


  1. Amazing first period this series is going to be entertaining

  2. Right call. I thought it was bad call at first but at 0:52 / 1:26 Bennett pushes Vasilievkis pad to make space for the puck to goal in.

  3. He did push his leg but that's a soft call bcoz I have seen worse not called depending on who's playing.

  4. Bennett’s stick literally FLEXES he’s pushing the goalie pad so hard, how can anybody argue this is a good goal?

  5. I mean that is a very VERY arguable call, but no goal is probably the right call.

  6. My guy shoved the pad out of the way and people are still arguing over it 😭😭😭. The best part is Tampa went on to score right after lol

  7. Player: Barely touches goalie.
    Ref: No Goal.
    Also some questionable no calls.
    Regardless, good game. Look forward to game 2!

  8. Joke of a call. Nobody was even remotely close to being close to interfereing with Dickskiy. Made the difference in this game.

  9. At first i was furious that they called off that goal, but in replay we can clearly see bennets pushing vasilevsky off the position. 100% right call

  10. We all know that if the tables were turned, it would be called good. TB and Boston get all of the calls.

  11. For all you people saying this call was correct I advise you to go and learn how to play hockey

  12. Me: “mmmmmmmeh idk about that, it looks good to me”
    *sees overhead view
    Me: “ok yeah, you can’t do that”

  13. As per NHL.com's rules on Goalie Interference "In a rebound situation, or where a goalkeeper and offensive player(s) are simultaneously attempting to play a loose puck, whether inside or outside the crease, incidental contact with the goalkeeper will be permitted, and any goal that is scored as a result thereof will be allowed."
    Bad call ref.

  14. Bennett clearly pushed Vasilevskiy pad with his stick to get the puck in. Great call by the Refs.

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