@Kraken de Seattle

Qu’est-ce qui a mal tourné avec la franchise Seattle Kraken NHL?

Le Seattle Kraken a lutté toute l’année. Ron Francis à partir du moment où le repêchage a commencé a manqué de gérer ce groupe. Philipp Grubauer et Chris Dreidger n’ont pas été forts. Il y a 7 Free Agents l’année prochaine et l’équipe est butée contre le cap ?! Comment cela s’est-il passé et combien de temps faudra-t-il pour que le Seattle Kraken soit bon? Que doit faire le Kraken avec un échange Mark Giordano ? Combien vaut Mark Giordano sur le marché des échéances commerciales de la LNH?


  1. please talk about how bad the islanders season went from ecf to offseason to new signings performances and expectations and results. What a terrible season tbh. Alot of factors to the terrible season but a lot of the players never stepped up to decent expectations

  2. Your not wrong I’m the flames diehard fan and I usually only watch content that mentions the flames though I’m trying to expand my viewership as often as I can

  3. Hey coach ryan, can you make a video about the difference between coach maurice and coach lowry? Like their approach and systems. Thanks

  4. Nothing wrong with them, they just didn't get the extreme amount of talent the golden showers did. They'll be fine they just need to build through the draft.

  5. Ron Francis can find talent in the draft like Slavin, Aho, and Pecse, but he doesn’t know how to make trades or find goaltending. Too many trade deadlines in Carolina where he did absolutely nothing, bring in Scott Darling and then he sucks. It all looks the same for Seattle.

  6. The logo literally looks like the default logos when you create a team on video games (same with the golden knights) super unoriginal… NOBODY gives a sht about the kraken outside of the weirdos that live in Seattle

  7. I’m from England, just started watching hockey, chose the kraken as I thought “new fan, new team!” Why not?! I don’t know much about hockey but I would expect a brand new team to be at the bottom and losing every game.. in a few years they’ll be better and more established. Things take time. Interesting to hear your thoughts etc!

  8. As a new hockey fan, watched every Kraken game to date, this team is burning a lot of good will right out of the gate. I mean .500 buys you time, but you can't put this garbage in front of Mariner fans who have suffered trash for 20 plus years….

  9. As a complete novice, I would like to ask you about Hakstol. We seem overly reliant on throwing the puck into the opposing zone and hoping we get a good bounce for an offensive opportunity instead of a more puck control agenda. With regard to your shot heat graphs, Giordano has taken 80 percent of those blue line shots. My feeling is, he doesn't want to be here, is mailing it in, and as a Captain it is affecting the entire team.

  10. Vegas was a fluke. All expansion teams are usually terrible for the first few years. They are lucky they are in a weak division so they might get into the playoffs sooner rather than later.

  11. Resident Kraken guy here. Recap every game and I think the team is a lot closer than 3 or 4 years from at least competing for a playoff spot. They never really got a chance to come together as a team before the season thanks to COVID. That has shown in the defensive play, where they might not give up a ton of shots but they do give up a ton of odd man rushes which has had a noticeable impact on goaltending confidence. They have lost the at the time leading scorer to injury 3 times. Tanev had a huge energy impact on the bench that just hasn't been their since his injury. Through all that they have still been close in a lot of games (20+ 1 goal losses minus empty net goals)

    It is true the offense and finishing in particular has been a big issue that doesn't have a clear solution on the roster currently and special teams have been a nightmare.

  12. Wow I must be a hard core Kraken fan. I did not expect them to do well with all the Non trades no one would give Seattle to keep certain players. Look at MG let go by Calgary. They offered NOTHING at all to keep him. So we have a team that has never played before, Covid 19 concerns and we are to be on top like Las Vegas. Sorry I don't think so. I would believe Ron will trade some young talent we have for picks to join the draft picks we have now. I am sure as a GM it is a 5 year plan not win at all costs. I can see your glass in Half empty, while mine is half full. It is like the new Logo, some youtubers hated them especially back east, I think they are great. Seattle will always be behind there team np matter what. We still are hoping for the Sonics to return and the Mariners to get to the playoffs. But ticket sales for all sports in that town are fantastic. Go Kraken

  13. I just searched “Seattle Kraken” to watch tonight’s highlights and stumbled across this video – absolutely love the way you broke everything down it was EXTREMELY helpful. I’m a novice Hockey Writer and fan (really starting taking the NHL seriously about 4 years ago) but this is very insightful. What are your thoughts on Yanni Gourde’s contract and his longevity with the Kraken? + what do you think of his current impact to the team? I would love for him to be a Kraken for a LONG time but I want to know if it’s also realistic

  14. Seattle will have to build through the draft. Which might not be a bad thing. By mismanaging their team in the beginning they could ironically be better for it in the long run. What if they succeeded and instead were a fringe playoff team and pick from 14-18, that would actually be much worse. If I were a Kraken fan I would be a bit concerned about Francis though…he's a good drafter, that's it.

  15. The Seattle Kraken have bad goalies as you saw. They're not rising up and they even have a 9-time losing streak back then. They are one of the teams with the worst debut seasons ever. However, the Washington Capitals are #1 of the worst debut season of NHL teams as they debuted in 1974 and kept struggling throughout the '70s and early '80s.

  16. The only thing worse than shaky goaltending is letting your goalies get hung out to dry and shelled on a nightly basis so you can really destroy any small amount of confidence they had to begin with.

  17. I totally disagree with you MOST GMS literally said they were hosed from Vegas draft so there were NO SIDE DEALS to even think of

  18. I'll to disagree. Five years into the league The Knights are showing there is no depth and literally no future while being handcuffed to contracts no one is going to take.

  19. Expansion team will be made through the draft and that's what francis will do. You'll see him with success down the road much like the hurricanes

  20. I also think that Vegas got a bit lucky. They managed to get three first round picks from their side deals. They also took Neal and Perron as upcoming UFAs. My theory was that they were taken to flip for more first rounders which would have given the 6 first round picks. Their genius was recognizing they were way better than originally thought and turned to picks into Mark Stone, Max Patchorety.
    How Mark Chipman let McCrimmon leave Manitoba is a crime. But he only hires guys he met from the AHL.

  21. There's nothing wrong with the Kraken. There an expansion team and usually expansion teams don't do good there first few seasons. Vegas put to much expectation for expansion teams when we honestly we shouldn't

  22. Good video and I enjoy the perspective. I've been a season ticket holder for the Seattle Thunderbirds for about 15 years while loosely following the NHL. I had an understanding that the quantity and quality of side deals wasn't going to be as good for Seattle as it was for Vegas since GMs seem to have done job of preparing for this expansion draft, like Pittsburg trading McCann 4 days before the expansion draft so they wouldn't have to protect him. Maybe there were a few to get side deals to be had, but I don't think they would have been anywhere near what Vegas got. Also a lot of Vegas' roster had a career year that first year. I'm interested to see what we get in the draft. I'm hoping for a forward at 4 because I think the defense is good enough for now and would look at one or two of the four second round picks to go for a Dman. The Kraken need some first line forwards, I think they really only have one maybe two right now (Beniers and maybe McCann)

    You are 100% on the goalie situation. I don't think Grubauer has very good lateral movement. I tend to like what I saw from Driedger late in the season. I'm hoping that the Flames keep scoring 8-9 goals a game on the Oilers and that after the season Grubauer looks really good to the Oiler management in the offseason 🙂

  23. great content! do you mind posting this on audea? I like to listen more that's where I get most of my audio content

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