@Canadiens de Montréal

Bilan de la conférence de presse – 22 septembre 2022 Media Day Edition

**Segment Wideman :**

[Lu] [Wideman gets a kick out of Slafkovsky’s Slovak connection: “Him and his little buddy, Mesar. They’re like Batman and Robin whenever I turn around.”](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1572962730197356547?t=j839_L8gUJ8RUwx0CyCPWA&s=19)

[Lu] [Wideman made a point of watching Slafkovsky on the exercise bike during Wednesday testing and medicals. He saw Slafkovsky’s viral video during rookie camp in July and wanted to see a repeat performance firsthand.](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1572963120972451840?t=fZRSLLkJ61KOhBRSYSjuKA&s=19)

[Lu] [Wideman noticed a difference in Gallagher this training camp compared to last year after a short offseason: “He isn’t limping. I gave him a big hug… We couldn’t wrestle last year because he was on the IR.”](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1572965742240317440?t=C6bgMjjaeIDhLxaYqrj-dA&s=19)

[Lu] [Wideman had a hard time finding a place to live in Montreal so he stayed temporarily in Caufield’s guestroom: “It was like being at home taking care of my son (pause for dramatic effect while media laughed)… but my son sleeps more.” Wideman’s son is 9 months old.](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1572985528974188544?t=K3ipa5lcRLPDrs_qbEWBbg&s=19) **Segment Matheson :**

[Lu] [Matheson on his former Florida teammate Dadonov: “He does so much down low to keep cycles alive and create space for his linemates. On the power play he’s so good at being where he needs to be to keep plays alive,” adding he was underrated, playing with Barkov & Huberdeau.](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1572972702918492162?t=iHj_TdBFZgL7X7imWw5p5Q&s=19) **Segment Gallagher :**

[Lu] [Gallagher already has a nick on the bridge of his nose on Day One of camp. His plausible (?) explanation: He wasn’t wrestling with Wideman. “I went to give him a hug and he punched me in the face.”](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1572980665787842560?t=CcvemrMIKyOIGRx778uGOQ&s=19)

[Friolet] [Brendan Gallagher nous a dit se sentir en excellente forme physique pour ce camp d’entraînement. Après une année difficile, alors qu’il traînait plusieurs blessures, il a eu un bon été pour « reconstruire » son corps. C’est le jour et la nuit selon lui par rapport à l’an dernier.](https://twitter.com/PFrioletRDS/status/1573001757168488448?t=BTKmv6KfkjfJuN_tca5YDQ&s=19) Traduction : Brendan Gallagher nous a dit qu’il se sentait en excellente forme physique pour ce camp d’entraînement. Après une année difficile, où il a traîné plusieurs blessures, il a eu un bel été pour « reconstruire » son corps. C’est le jour et la nuit selon lui par rapport à l’année dernière. **Segment Saint-Louis :**

[Lu] [St-Louis could only state “lower body injury” when asked if Edmundson’s issue is related to his back problems from last season. The medical staff is gathering more info on his condition. Suzuki suffered his lower body injury preparing for training camp.](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1573021076380065793?t=laMTOLuFO-ETxoFifGIAEA&s=19)

[Lu] [St-Louis says the tether attached to the players in today’s speed testing is to measure output, adding that the team’s modern approach to gathering data is intended to “navigate” each player differently throughout the season in recognition of each individual’s unique needs.](https://twitter.com/JohnLuTSNMtl/status/1573023980998598662?t=xHOtf5k7fVOSCGxHZkmv8Q&s=19)

[Basu] [“It’s indefinite because we don’t have enough details yet.” – Martin St. Louis on Joel Edmundson, saying he’s still being evaluated.](https://twitter.com/ArponBasu/status/1573020641128861698?t=U1HZqYK9ukEm8KkhIZRF6w&s=19)

[Lavoie] [Martin St-Louis mentioned that the skating drills this morning were the same that he had under John Tortorella.](https://twitter.com/renlavoietva/status/1573023532241543171?t=tYQoHrIf4bRcEGByrHLL7A&s=19) **Segment bonus Gorton :**

[MA_PerreaultTVA] [Gorton confirme à Melnick sur TSN Radio qu’il y a eu collision entre Suzuki et Edmundson à l’entraînement plus tôt cette semaine. Ne s’inquiète pas pour Nick mais confirme qu’il s’agit d’une blessure au dos pour Joel mais qu’il se sentait déjà mieux aujourd’hui. À suivre
🔵⚪️🔴](https://twitter.com/MA_PerreaultTVA/status/1573077933979496448?t=FVQwq-jFxR1KSf5IW5xmfw&s=19) Traduction : Gorton confirme à Melnick sur TSN Radio qu’il y a eu une collision entre Suzuki et Edmundson à l’entraînement plus tôt cette semaine. Ne vous inquiétez pas pour Nick mais confirmez que c’est une blessure au dos pour Joel mais il se sentait déjà mieux aujourd’hui. À suivre 🔵⚪️🔴 **Rapport de blessure :**

[Emrith] [Oh boy, it begins – Habs injury report on the first day of training camp on-ice activities:
– Nick Suzuki out 2 weeks (upper-body)
– Josh Anderson day-to-day (upper-body)
– Jake Evans day-to-day (upper-body)
– Joel Edmundson out indefinitely (lower-body)](https://twitter.com/HabsInHighHeels/status/1572950876871860225?t=2uUbLECNxd4zTnfkrO4fjQ&s=19) **Remarques Habby :**

[Gallagher vs Armia Race](https://twitter.com/MA_PerreaultTVA/status/1572942445733609473?t=-gDXg-MSTT0K4OuB5eLaAA&s=19)

[Gally go zoom zoom](https://twitter.com/MA_PerreaultTVA/status/1572936263736631296?t=SJUVoaF6UxjrrXvAR8SdVA&s=19)

[Slaf is spood](https://twitter.com/PFrioletRDS/status/1572989453999677444?t=PRXFKOgsibHEeIfatrEzqw&s=19) **Presse complète (liens vidéo) :**

[Wideman Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1572960123970064387?t=Q9fd2TYbK0sa8pSArEY9WA&s=19)

[Dach Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1572964391556988934?t=_f3UMsXKIRPiiQeo3f-a1A&s=19)

[Matheson Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1572967699382247426?t=2C47AeKIqz82Oa2cXLyPFQ&s=19)

[Gallagher Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1572974676879544323?t=PluK6j3QkuOysv3onLEmTw&s=19)

[St-Louis Segment](https://twitter.com/CanadiensMTL/status/1573019798958706688?t=hgLiW6q0q8xKhUtWGTvXnw&s=19)


1 Comment

  1. boostedgts

    #So injury-filled announcement day is not as bad as we were all freaking the fuck about. Right? Right? Please tell me I’m right.

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