@Oilers d'Edmonton

JEUNES STARS | Oilers contre Flames 17.09.22

Regardez les Oilers Rookies affronter les Flames Rookies de la Young Stars Classic à Penticton, en Colombie-Britannique


  1. This game was fun to watch. Lots of potential for this team as well as the ones going to the nhl. I can’t wait!

  2. BWAHAHAHAHAHA I KNEW IT! Canada’s team knocks off the cowtown lames Boy Scouts! The oilers are too strong and too much for the cowtown lames to handle they have two options either relocate or force Nigginla and Miikka KiprusTrash out of retirement to help these trash novice all star wannabes out though it’s embarrassing to admit sad but factual and true reality that Nigginla would’ve gotten destroyed and get lit up by the Canada’s team’s next generation!

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