@Kings de Los Angeles

Le camp d’entraînement des LA Kings commence

Les LA Kings ont ouvert le camp d’entraînement en faisant leur premier pas en équipe vers une saison 2022-23 très attendue. Nous vous dirons à quoi ressemblait Kevin Fiala sur la première ligne des Kings et un joueur surprenant remplissant un trou sur la deuxième ligne. Comment Drew Doughty se sent physiquement et ce que Jonathan Quick pense de jouer au-delà de cette saison. De plus, l’entraîneur-chef Todd McLellen donne son avis sur l’équipe et ses attentes. Soutenez-nous en soutenant nos sponsors ! BetOnline BetOnline.net vous a couvert cette saison avec plus d’accessoires, de cotes et de lignes que jamais auparavant. BetOnline – Où le jeu commence ! #lakings #kings #nhl


  1. Fagemo, Kupari and Vilardi are right handed. Everyone else as far as forwards are left handed, including all 4 centers.

    Kaliyev would be a lefty on the right wing. Kempe, Grunstrom are the other left handed right wings.

    Fagemo would make sense just as a feeling out process on the right wing due to an overload of left handers.

  2. I really hope Kings can trade Arvy with his 4.25 wasted Cap space for Hobbit who can't even play 50 or 60 games then quits in Playoffs on Team. Danault had like 55 career goals so its unrealistic for him to score 50 percent of his total again with 27. I would rather see Chromiak on that line who can actually score is vastly better on Defense than Arvy too. SAmuel meh even GAbe is best. Until they stop this BS with off side wingers along with weak side D they wont score over 3 goals a game or be competitive. I have no doubt if Jacob Moverare played over Mediocre Mikey Kings would have been in Second Round even if Byfield got benched or Spence sooner :). I can't stand TMac is so demonstrative in all his visages while Sutter is like Muppets in Balcony. Clarke needs another year in Junior then AHL to replace Durzi in 3 years. Unless they trade Drew then Grans would go from Second Pair to Top with Clarke along with Durzi on PP then Helga with Durzi on the PK. Lajorie got shafted on C team who had 12 goals compared to Clarke having 11 along with Cosier who had 18. TMac is a failed Head Coach who lost 4 Game 7s in a row never won anything as a coach PEriod. HIs PP cost Sharks any chance of Winning cups with 4 forwards letting up SHGs. I'll take the coach who won 3 Games 7s in a row in 2014 over guy who choked away 3 game lead.

    I'm close to just giving up on LA along with Hockey as sick with all this crap having 6 LHS Forwards or crap like that. Fiala never been a top line player so I expect him to end up with DAnault sooner than later. Quick wont return as there is no cap money thanks to awful contracts on Cal and Fiala. Moore if they keep him will cost 2 to 5M then probably pay trash 2 to 3M who don't belong in NHL like Mediocre Mikey Anderson who if didn't play against Edmonton with Jacob the Real Deal it would have been nice Calgary Flames 2nd Round matchup. I'm only person who really watches game as I called Inomoto being injured in Sharks one when nobody else has or did. TEam C does not Scrimmage only A and B. AT least from what I read on LAKI so sorta sad a few I'd like were stuck there. Booth being in top 2 teams is good as I gave him B over Clarke B- as highest grade for D-men in Rookie Faceoff. I see why Team Canada left Clarke along with Byfield off their rosters. I see him more as a Third Pair guy who hopefully can contribute on PP. I don't believe Clarke is top 4 D or even Top Pairing as Helga Grans is better player. Hopefully they give him another year in Junior then AHL before trying to replace Durzi as 3rd RHD or Pairing.

    Knights shutting down Nolan Patrick makes me hope Kings will offer Turcotte 10 to 20 Million something to settle then release him for good if can't trade him. That they rushed him back to play meaningless games after his last concussion has led me to no longer Support Blake or TMac at all even Lucky Luc if he don't fire them both soon. EVen if Turcotte had a shred of talent or could ever make NHL. Lets say he came back to Ontario in Post Season scored a Hat Trick Every game Winning CAlder Cup then got injured it would mean NOTHING. Manchester Won Calder Cup only to disband the team. BEen over a decade with clueless Drafting Developmental guys with all these no talent Swedes? You can't even field a team with RHC? YOu have almost every line with all LHS Forwards even the PP? Vilardi had 3 PPGs in the 21 win season is best option on PP but buried. Until they have a decent PP their players are going to get run over and over. Thank TMac for running off every member of the 2014 Stanley Cup last Post Season Series Winners as part of your revenge. You got no clue what doing nor did you ever even BAbs retired unable to win College Hockey as Coach with his dated systems. Durzi was playing like 16 minutes a game but Swedes or TCanucks or so try to blame him for Toby Boi being garbage 8 assists -12? Kopitar is on last legs really hoped they could get Forsberg. If this was Bar Rescue all these unproductive players would be gone that claim Defensive d-men. Byfield is a Forward Forward so he don't score anything while being a -7. Only time I ever seen TMac close to Smiling or Happy was Kempe scoring OT goal after he botched game giving up SHG when even announcers questioned playing 4 forwards with Roy? Drew Doughty barely rated higher than Seider in last NHL game shame didn't draft him but Kings have issues with German players I guess? I hope Gabe scores over 30 or 40 goals a year when finds a team that will treat him well. Italians always treated badly especially by CAnadians. If I was GM or HC Kings would score more than 3 Goals a game ;). Only Dallas had less goals for playoff team :). Anze has played with Vastly Better Wingers like Carter or Gaborik or Williams. Glad Quick broke American Shutout Record Ricther had in Post Season.

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