@Blues de Saint-Louis

Faits saillants de la LNH | Blues contre Predators – 17 avril 2022

Les Blues de St. Louis ont établi un record de franchise en marquant sept buts en deuxième période en battant les Predators de Nashville 8-3.


  1. So glad to get the Nashville commentary here. So satisfying.
    Peds got embarrassed on home ice. They should give their wildcard to some other team after that.

  2. Блюзмены набрали обороты под плей-офф! Володя радует, а ведь списывали перед этим сезоном)

  3. Володя как танк проезжает своих соперников. Не зря ему дали прозвище русский танк.

  4. Тарасенко как всегда крут, рад за него , что он набрал былую форму. Тренин тоже прогрессирует, ещё одна Челябинская звёздочка загорается.😉

  5. Someone should tell the Nashville goalie to stand up and come out to the edge of the crease
    to cut down on the angles. Seems 7 of the eight goals were when he was down on his pads
    or he was on his way to going down on the play. The Blues just waited the goalie out & put
    the puck over his shoulder or thru his legs as he was going down.

  6. The Blues are an offensive juggernaut right now. It's gonna be scary for any opponents in the west right now 😌

  7. Oilers fan here enjoying Pred's announcers. Great work and great laughs boys!

  8. That's the John Hynes effect for ya! Devils fans dealt with it for way too long and now Nashville gets to deal with him. Guy is a clown, good luck preds.

  9. I'm a Blues fan and watched with a Preds fan (my dad). About half-way through the second, I stopped cheering for goals; I just felt bad for him.
    Still, glad to see Binnington and Kyrou on their game again. And how about Rosen making his case to stay in the NHL? He and Walker are going to make it hard for Berube if everyone is ever healthy at the same time again.

  10. "butterfly" goalies are a HUGE LIABILITY ! if saros "STANDS UP" he saves the first 4 goals ! butterfly goalies at times go down way too early and they have very lazy habits where they STAY DOWN and give up MANY GOALS on rising shots !!!!!!!!! take a few pointers from ken dryden,billy smith,and martin brodeur who are "STAND UP" a!!!!!! between those 3 goalies they won 13,14 ,or 15 stanley cups !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I hope the Nashville Predators make it to the Stanley cup 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

  12. With the quality teams the Predators have to face. I don't think they are going to hold onto there playoff position. I think they will get taken over by the Knights or the Canucks. as they have upcoming games which are fairly Even.

  13. Хуя они на колошматили 7 шайб за период

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