@Panthers de la Floride

Faits saillants de la LNH | Hurricanes contre Panthers – 6 novembre 2021

Spencer Knight a effectué 28 arrêts alors que les Panthers de la Floride battaient les Hurricanes de la Caroline 5-2.


  1. Man florida just looking too damn good, I wouldn't be surprised if the make it to the cup if they keep this up, I honestly see them going 15-0 or 20-0 before they lose a game

  2. That building looked pretty electric. Cats fans have waited too long for a team like this.

  3. lmao florida one of the best teams in the league and STILL can't fill their seats, this is painful to watch

  4. This is the kind of game that proves Carolina still aren’t built for the playoffs, and still aren’t quite to the elite level of the league. They need to do some work on this roster to beef them up, and make them much harder to play against.

  5. У Флориды нету конкурентов в этом году, так же как и нету зрителей на арене :Dw

  6. The Cats are truly the standard of the NHL right now, I hope this can be sustained into March and April

  7. Florida commentators are solid. Fun to see their streak stay alive.
    -Oilers fan

  8. В этом сезоне флорида как бультерьеры, рвут всех.
    Нет распиаренных игроков, нет претендентов на суперпупер награды, но состав настолько мощный и однородный, что уже не обращаешь внимание, какая четвёрка пантер на льду. Играют все!

  9. вратарь 3 гола за десять минут пропустил и не меняют он хороший вратарь но сегодня не в тонусе не понимаю

  10. Goldie and Moller have quietly became some of the best commentators in the world.

  11. I honestly thought it would be a way more even game seeing as it was the two top teams facing off, but Panthers where just so much better on everything. Also seeing how good Duclair is playing being involved in almost everything for the Panthers makes me happy. After switching teams som many times it really looks like he found his home in Florida. Wishing him all the best.

  12. Even without Barkov, Florida is rolling. Duclair had some rough times during his career, especially in Colombus, but things are looking up for him finally. Keep smiling 🤘😃

  13. Duclair such a solid acquisition. Not sure why more teams didn't get in a bidding war. Oh ya, eff Carolina.

  14. О Флорида шо вытворяет…гроза авторитетов и…!))

  15. Свеча конечно в тени своих именитых соотечественников, но этот парень чертовски талантлив и везуч. Надеюсь с уходом Ови на пенсию этот парень станет лидером сборной


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