@Red Wings de Détroit

Les Red Wings de Detroit continuent de voler la prochaine étoile de la LNH, cette fois, Sebastian Cossa

Sur cette vidéo, nous avons un aperçu de Sebastian Cossa et de son ascension dans la WHL, et pourquoi il est une autre STAR que Steve Yzerman a repêché. Visitez nos réseaux sociaux et podcasts ci-dessous pour en savoir plus. Youtube; https://youtube.com/channel/UCcKcbEz76gcdT_jD83Acd0Q Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/btwsportsdet/ Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/btwdetroit Twitter ; https://twitter.com/WhistlesDetroit PODCAST LIENS APPLE ; https://podcasts.apple.com/…/btw-detroit…/id1578275518 SPOTIFIER ; https://open.spotify.com/show/4dyy3POcunUI8b94l1hVZy… AMAZONE ; https://music.amazon.com/…/btw-detroit—cindy-and-joe… GOOGLE ; https://podcasts.google.com/…/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vc… IHeart ; https://www.iheart.com/…/269-btw-detroit-cindy-and-joe… https://linktr.ee/BetweenT


  1. Stevie Y is a true hockey person.
    He was a very intelligent player, but he is an even smarter executive.

  2. Good god, you know you can edit right? You need to work on your delivery.

  3. I live in Florida, the Lighting is my Home Team!
    Born in Detroit, went to my first game, at Olympia, when l was 5 y/o. The Red Wings are in my heart and soul, and there they will stay, until l'm dead and buried. "LET'S GO RED WINGS!"
    Oh yeah, "GO BOLTS !"

  4. I'm a diehard Wings fan and I follow Cossa daily. I think it's a bit premature with claming Yzerman did it again with Cossa for a few reasons. First there's the fact that goalies take a while to develop and until Cossa gets to the NHL and starts to win I'd like to reserve judgement. Also, lets not forget that he will ultimately be compared to Jesper Wallstedt who if you remember correctly was considered (still is) a can't miss prospect who was, at 18, already playing in the SHL which is a top 3 in the world Pro men's league while Cossa still in JR league, WHL.

    Having said all that I still believe both prospects can be and will be successful but until Cossa plays in at least AHL but preferably the NHL with adults which he will starting in next season it's a bit premature to claim that Yzerman has done anything yet.

  5. Have to say the scouting is paying off. Yzerman spent his last year in TB travelling the world scouting before going back to Detroit as GM. Still have Håkan Andersson in charge of all European scouting.
    Then you have Kronwall also extensively going to on the trail for talent throughout Sweden.
    Draper is handling some North American scouting duties.
    Then they add Lidstrom back to the administration who probably advises on prospects.

  6. everyone knew cossa was good he never stole anyone, and he's not an nhl star he's never played outside of junior lol

  7. I hate saying this, but he unfortunately regressed this season. If you compare his save percentage and goals against average from this year to last year on elite prospects you will see that his stats got significantly worse. Hopefully he just had an unlucky season, I'm not sure.

  8. Now they just need a coach. One much better than Blashill (of course almost anyone would be better…)

  9. Shoutout for Stevie why baby that guy's turning us around we're going to be in in contention pretty soon again every year go Red Wings

  10. Yzerman should've stuck around in Tampa to collect those cups he got them. I'm sure he will build Detroit up the same way with awesome draft picks and sneaky little trades like he did in Tampa. I think that it took him about 5 or 6 years to do that. Getting Sergachev for Drouin was his best move I think. Drouin was a dead weight premadonna and he swapped him out for a top tier defender. Lol. I'll bet Montreal is still sore about it. Can't wait to see what he does there in Detroit. Yzerman was an awesome player in Detroit and spent his whole career there which is rare. I hope he joins Joe Sakic by winning a cup as a player and captain and as a GM. Not too many guys have done that. I think Bob Gainey did it with Montreal but I'm not positive on that. That's the only one I can think of. Bobby Clarke came close but lost the 97 cup with Eric Lindros to who other than Detroit, which was Yzerman's first cup.

  11. You don't know that I'm sure Costa will be good but he hasn't even played a game in the nhl yet so you can't say he's going to be top notch you just don't know that. Just saying everyone has high hopes on him but we will see.

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