@Kings de Los Angeles

Le maire de Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, jure | Malédictions au Kings Rally, Fox Sports West s’excuse

Le maire de Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, jure au Kings Rally au Staples Center, Fox Sports West s’excuse. « C’est une putain de grosse journée », a-t-il dit.


  1. Now that is a politician I would vote for any day of the week. Thanks Eric for bringing "regularity" to life. He spoke his mind and very openly. Good for him. And I'm a Rangers fan!!! 

  2. I dont get why the media gets so apologetic and insane when politicans say the f-bomb. Be mature people!

  3. I'm a republican and I live close to LA, wasn't a fan of Garcetti or Gruehl and still don't think the policies are correct.  But this was awesome!  good for him.  and radio commentators are saying it was premeditated, well of course it was!  listen to that reaction!  good on you Garcetti!

  4. eh who fucking cares if he curses parents just need to do a better job paying attention to what there kids watch those no need to censor anything  be more active in your kids life parents censorship ruins everything that's why I stopped listening to regular radio and bought satellite radio if something has curse words in it don't censor it the artist ment for it to be in the song  you don't want your kids hearing it don't let them listen to it  same thing with tv don't want your kids to see it or hear it then don't let them the creators shouldn't have there stuff blocked or censored just because  parents aren't doing there job  then again I live in a fools dream of uncensored tv and everything else because society thinks you should be polite and not curse well society all I got to say is fuck you -.- and stop ruining everything by censoring it

  5. Class. ..show some fuckn class! We know los angeles stands for welfare. ..so the least you can do is show some class! Fuck lis angeles ca!

  6. This is the leader of the police and fire.  How can they be any better when the leader brings shame like this?

  7. SO I was actually in the audience with my dad at this rally and we were absolutely stunned lmao. Sometimes I come back to watch this to reminisce. Go Kings!

  8. The fact that him cursing got that much of an applause shows how pitiful our society has become.

    There are two ways to look at it: he either said an extremely offensive word in front of thousands of people OR he said a word people can hear anywhere and there’s nothing special about it… in either case it’s pitiful that it got that kind of response.

  9. What a low life, disreputable and ill mannered person. Have a little respect for the office you hold even if you have none for yourself. Being a mayor is a public trust. It's not a bar room rant. To think that people would applaud such vulgarity from a public official kind of tells you how low our common morals and norms of conduct have sunk. Too bad there was not a way to fire him on the spot.

  10. If Trump did that he would be demonized. The beer in hand at a hockey game, no big deal. But the profanity is out of line for a mayor. Im no Trump supporter. But I find it hypocritical when Trump would be demonized as a crude, profane idiot for doing the same thing. Typical liberal double standard. Biden in 2020!

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