@Blues de Saint-Louis

Armstrong et Berube récapitulent la saison 2021-22

Le directeur général des St. Louis Blues Doug Armstrong et l’entraîneur-chef Craig Berube s’adressent aux médias lors d’une conférence de presse en direct à l’Enterprise Center le 31 mai vers 11h30 CT


  1. My #1 takeaway….. From Stillman to Army to Chief, and everybody in between, this organization is in great hands. Love to see it. #91 #57 we want you back! LGB

  2. Ya know, a few years ago i said if they could get away from Dump and chase they'd go deep – that next year they won the cup. Last year i said if they could get someone to frickin run a power play, they'd be something special – the PP finished 2nd place in the league this year. So this year my gripe is, if they could ALL show up to the rink, ready to play at puck drop, for a full 60, they'd be VERY TOUGH to beat. They are WAY to inconsistent and notorious for slow starts, coasting and not playing hard for 60.

  3. This season was my first season ever to watch nhl. I live in Kansas and I been to some ECHL games Wichita thunder that’s what made me fall in love with the sport. I picked the blues as my team because even tho I’m 8 hours away I have a chance to see them in person a lot easier. Yes I could of picked the Avalanche or Dallas but the blues came on tv and I just fell in love with the team since the first game this season. What a great season and I will always be a blues fan. I can’t wait to see you guys September 24 in the arena where I first fell in love with hockey and then I can’t wait for Oct or November to come to Enterprise center for the first time. Watching you guys helped me learn more and more about the game. GO BLUES!

  4. Real blues fans know Justin Faulk was the rock of this team all year. We see you Faulker… 🥸

  5. It was good that they took us a little back in time and reminded us that we had a lot of good things this year, and a lot of depth guys had to come up and do their best. I was happy to get a series win and take Colorado to 6, ALMOST a possible 7, after getting swept by them last year.

    And Army’s right, we never get top picks because we’re ALWAYS competitive. Year after year after year, we’re either in the playoffs or just barely not. You don’t get to draft top pick superstars like that. Always next year!

  6. So yes I’m happy about our blues season. I don’t think we’d be listening to this at this time had Binnington not been physically taken out by that mothereffing KADRI WHO SHOULD BE SITTING!!! He should’ve been suspended. Hands down that ruined the drive we had against the suckalanche. Average goalie on that team. They should be out. Hopefully Edmonton removes them. F Colorado and that pos KADRI

  7. Ya know, it’s too bad they took fighting from the game for the most part. Say 20 years ago, someone ran the blues goalie 2X!! Someone would’ve beat the living daylights out of him.

  8. As a looong time Blue Baller…fans, please listen…this season, 99.9% of time Blues DID show up to play, they AREN'T inconsistent, they DID play 60 minutes and they DIDN'T notoriously get off to slow starts! LOOK at their reg. season record! What's the prob? They just DON'T SCORE at crucial times! Skyrou could've had a hat trick in game 6. In sports, as you guys know, you may have ONLY a handful of chances and if you don't capitalize, welll, ALL those things I mentioned are ILLUMINATED!! Blues were outplayed more than outcoached. CB had players out there – they. just. didn't. score. at crucial times during series to win, imo.

  9. One last thing to end season…do you guys think Spoilers will beat Avs (I hope so, but they won't) with their 'shoot first ask questions later' run and gun style…maybe beating Avs 7 – 6 every game? Likely not but could have more scoring to make series even more competitive than Blues who DIDN'T score on most of their, crucial, chances. We had nine 20 goal scorers yet lost last game 3 – 2. Even in a loss, I woulda coulda accepted a 7 – 6 score! What a long summer…ciao for now!

  10. I'm out of state, but still bleeding the bluest blue. Would love to hear the fans sing "When the Blues Go Marching In" after every goal at the conclusion of the Towel Man's count. One chorus for each goal.
    And please stop Country Roads. It has nothing to do with the Blues. Plus, it's a John Denver song. Denver = Colorado = Kadri = bad.

  11. Just saw shoot out, er game. Wow – did I say 7 – 6 or 8 – 6????? Pond hockey at it's best!

  12. You got smaller at deadline, should of gotten bigger , nick ledy didn’t do much , Calle Rosen or Scott P could of did same thing as ledy , forechecking wasn’t there ,size matters

  13. Seeing what happened in the western conference finals, I really think the Blues vs Avs was the real final. Whomever came out of that series goes to the final, no question. A little different luck and it would've been us

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