@Blackhawks de Chicago

Phil et Tony Esposito prennent One More Shift | Blackhawks de Chicago

Phil et Tony Esposito ont dépoussiéré leur équipement et ont pris One More Shift devant les fans des Blackhawks.


  1. Легендарные хоккеисты!!! Огромный респект 👍🏻 прадедушки хоккея

  2. What kind of a-hole would give this video a thumbs down? Those guys were fabulous players.

  3. Two absolutely dominant hockey players who, unlike today's pampered & overpaid sissies, gave 110% every game, season after season for a fraction of the salary today's lazy-ass players make…

  4. Never thought of it before seeing this video, but 2 of The Boston Bruins greatest players also played for Chicago. Hmmmm

  5. I can't remember the last time I cried when a sports hero of mine passed away. I was driving home when I heard about Tony's death. Pulled off the highway, and sobbed. He was great.

  6. RIP Tony O – Inventor of flopping goaltending – my goaltending idol forever

  7. Given that Phil's prime years were with the Bruins, it would have been interesting for Phil to have suited up in a Bruins uniform.
    They had lots of battles against each other on the ice over the years. And they were never teammates with the the Blackhawks.
    Phil could have had one last breakaway on Tony. But, alas, they didn't go that route.

  8. We’re gonna miss him, Tony was a real special man who will live on in the hearts of all hockey fans. Rest In Peace.

  9. Rest in peace Tony my birthday wish was Tony Esposito and Matiss be a Alive still but he died most Legendarys Goalies like Matiss and Tony most good Goalies ever I really miss matiss and Tony Esposito them was the most i hope them are in a better place now

  10. Tony Esposito remained a dedicated Hawks fan to the end of his life. Always in touch w the team, always flew the Hawks flag outside his home.

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