@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Jon Cooper interroge le vainqueur des prolongations après la défaite du match 4 « Nous devrions probablement encore jouer »

Regardez l’entraîneur-chef du Lightning de Tampa Bay, Jon Cooper, remettre en question la validité du but gagnant en prolongation avant de quitter la conférence de presse.


  1. cry about it jony boy, the bolts arent winners they are whiners. cry cry cry me a river, imagine if you weren't greasy bay boys and didn't get every call ever.

  2. Everytime the bolts lose Jon cooper whines like a little biotch and blames it on everything but the true reason the bolts got totally out played in OT ( maybe gets the winning like a biotch from his wife ) 🤭🤔

  3. I will add that if Colorado had "too many men" on the ice, I would like to say that the way the Bolts were playing in OT, they had "not too many men".

  4. Um…. Well, credit to him for keeping it in his pocket until he had time to process. A lot of people would have just vented. Respect. But ya, good goal.

  5. Maybe all 4 referees missed the too many men on the ice but one thing is quite clear though, Kadri knew the player he was replacing was not 5 feet from the bench, in fact the player Kadri was replacing was still in the center of the ice when Kadri came in. Kadri hurt Blues goalie Binnington so the Avs could move on. Now, Kadri comes onto the ice illegally to win the 4th game. WTF?

  6. Bahahaha cooper complaint about non calls is rich. And sure it's hard in the cap era but one year he got to add 10 million dollar superstar to the team at the start of the playoffs lol

  7. When the Lightning player used his stick to knock off the Avs goalie’s helmet and right after the Lightning scored, no penalty and the Lightning coach had no complaint there. I mean what’s fair is fair, right. Disallow each goal and the Avs still win.

  8. When will you blame the altitude there jon boy….you're pathetic dude….maybe time to just close the mouth and coach hockey??

  9. We lost the game. If the Lightning were the better team…they would have a lead by 3 or 4 goals every game. Either you produce or get off the horse.

  10. What a crybaby. Sounds like he is giving up before the series is even over.

  11. Jon comon brother. Let’s not finger point you have been in sports long enough. Player was not part of play and by the bench. Your time is up, a new sharif is in town.

  12. Winners say, great performance by the Avs and we need to make sure we dont put ourselves in that situation again.

  13. Calgary should of won game 6 and the cup in 2004, but they didn’t,and Tampa did. We didn’t hear Sutter whining

  14. I get that it's hard to lose a game this important, but this type of stuff by Cooper is bad for the game. It feeds into the narrative that the NHL is the worst officiated, rinky-dink professional sports league and it makes fans salty and bitter towards the game. Nobody has a problem with that goal 99% of the time in this game, but there are probably a lot of newer Tampa Bay fans that have hopped on the past couple years now thinking that they got jobbed by the refs when anyone who has watched hockey for a length of time knows that goal is fine. The Lightning have had so many calls go their way the past couple years and now if he turns around and starts complaining about a nothing burger like this it is a really bad look.

  15. "There's too many men, too many people – Making too many problems – And not much love to go 'round – Can't you see this is a land of confusion?"
    Quote from Genesis Land of Confusion

  16. Say what you will but his strategy to whine and cry like a little girl worked for game 5.

  17. I've seen it so many times. When a coach makes a big deal of a missed call he makes defeat an option for his team. He's a good coach but his psychology is wrong on this one. Belichick is the master of this. "You can't blame the refs. We didn't play well enough and need to improve. Our losses are on us not on the refs.
    < That's the Gold Standard on how to prepare your team for success >

  18. Happy to see Cooper lose the cup. But of course, to him, no credit goes to the Avs. It was stolen. He is not humble in defeat. Without his goalie, he would have an ordinary record as coach.

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