@Canadiens de Montréal

Si je pouvais remonter le temps

Si je pouvais remonter le temps



  1. brennic

    Fuck Kreider. I bet if Emelin let him stake in, he still would have rammed Price.

  2. Overall-Cry-3831

    2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

    Those years we should’ve been all in to win. None of the first rounders from this era save 2016 panned out at all We should’ve traded most of them tbh. Team needed like 2 more top 6 fwds and another top 4 d man from this era and we could’ve actually done damage.

    Mostly 2014 and 15 year. Imagine if we had a real 2nd pair beyond emelin and fucking George’s we prob win the cup. Emelin wouldn’t be on the ice at this point so this moment for sure doesn’t happen and imagine the changes just from that

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