@Jets de Winnipeg

Réaction aux conférences de presse de fin d’année de Mark Scheifele et Paul Stastny des Jets de Winnipeg

Andrew « Hustler » Paterson réagit aux commentaires des attaquants des Jets de Winnipeg Mark Scheifele et Paul Stastny lors de la dernière journée de la saison. Diffusé à l’origine le 2 mai 2022. Winnipeg Sports Talk Daily est diffusé en semaine à 13 h CT sur YouTube et est disponible en podcast après l’émission. Cliquez sur le bouton J’aime et abonnez-vous à la chaîne si vous avez aimé cette vidéo. Sujets : Intro (0:00) Scheifele sur la proximité de son retour (0:52) Scheifele sur trois fins décevantes consécutives (2:17) Scheifele s’il ressentait une pression supplémentaire des Jeux olympiques (6:16) Scheifele sur le départ de Paul Maurice (7:25) Scheifele sur son avenir à Winnipeg (9:24) Scheifele commente fin 2021 (20:06) Stastny sur le libre arbitre (24:27) Stastny sur la responsabilité (27:04) Suivez Andrew Paterson sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/hustlerama Suivez Michael Remis sur Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/mremis Winnipeg Sports Talk Liens : Spotify : https://spoti.fi/3bboDpa Podcasts Apple : https://apple.co/30nIf3v​​ Podcasts Google : https://bit.ly/387uTg1​​ Stitcher : https://bit.ly/2NR54df​​ Site Web : http://www.winnipegsportstalk.com​​ Boutique : http://store.winnipegsportstalk.com Twitter : http://www.twitter.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/sportstalkwpg​​ Instagram : http://www. instagram.com/sportstalkwpg TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@sportstalkwpg Devenez membre de notre chaîne ici : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEqYcU4IEXvfWt0vtGA_Cww/join


  1. Topics:

    Intro (0:00)

    Scheifele on how close he was to returning (0:52)

    Scheifele on three straight disappointing endings (2:17)

    Scheifele if he felt extra pressure from Olympics (6:16)

    Scheifele on Paul Maurice leaving (7:25)

    Scheifele on his future in Winnipeg (9:24)

    Scheifele comments from the end of 2021 (20:06)

    Stastny on free agency (24:27)

    Stastny on accountability (27:04)

  2. Long, trying season for everyone…including the fans. Sorry to say, but MS has clearly checked out.

  3. I've always liked Schiefele. Loved when they drafted him. Always wanted him to stay a Jet. Even thought that MAYBE a new coach next year can tweak and fix his game then … look out. BUT……..after this interview, and with the "I..I…I…I…" shit. Yeah…he's got to go. A guy with 2 years left on his contract talking like he's a guy going into free agency?? He HAS TO GO.

  4. For what it's worth how about this (my theory) : Stastny is not talking about Scheifele in terms of accountability. Scheifele and Wheeler and Stastny were equally pissed when Maurice quit and blamed it on the attitude of the younger crew (not necessarily all but a good few of them). Each reacted differently. Scheifele basically says unless accountability becomes the next chapter of the Jets he wants out. Stastny is the most honest because he has nothing to lose cuz he probably senses that his family might want a warmer winter next year. Wheeler knows he is paid too high to be tradeable so he knows he is going nowhere but he is a put your head down and work it out kinda guy and leads accordingly so he still, I think, sees the challenge to turn this around as something he wants to be a part of. What I heard from Scheifele was about his game improving, his physical state being very good and being in his prime of his performance as sounding like someone who is selling themselves to the ears of other teams and improving his marketability. And being a jerk to make it easier for Chevy to trade him cuz the fans will start the trade chant which is what is happening now. Interesting seeing Scheifele and Lowry side by side, Lowry decked out in Jet's attire…Scheifele not a thread of Jet's wear.

  5. He's so full of himself and he is no leader.. The leadership group in winnipeg is ridiculous and has pushed so many guys out superstar or not. I hope they trade him

  6. Let him go , his return on trade will out perform his staying on the team. Shirt’s pissed off on his contract, and the Jets in his mind their dollars worth.

  7. Yeah lots to improve upon including your commitment to this team . So are you demanding a trade .. ? Go pound sand maybe work on your defensive game we al know you can get points

  8. Keep helly, Conner, and would it hurt to sign babyface?,

  9. He's like a minus 20 people. Impartial Leaf Fan …trade him for another good D and a forward prospect.

  10. Does the Winnipeg market just breed selfish players!??? I can't believe this guy. Laine was the same….Buff simply quit…Wheeler …bad culture in there

  11. The teams that don’t make the playoffs. Don’t deserve to be there. Better luck next season boys . Dig.

  12. Marks main problem MUST be that he HATES another Big Star on the team…..he most likely ran Laine out of town….now he seems obviously jealous over Kyle Connor…just a selfish guy …ship him, fleece a team for some good parts ✅✅

  13. I know some people might not agree with this. But couple hrs away is Mike Babcock university of Saskatchewan older coach like Stastny was talking about won't have favorites maybe to tough on players but if learned from Toronto or could dial it down or learn from mistakes be a good coach here

  14. There's just something with Scheifele's voice or speaking mannerisms that sounds perpetually whiny. Even when he doesn't whine, he comes across as an entitled brat. Kinda like Jack Eichel a little bit.

  15. So he says he is in the prime of his career and also says he has lots he can improve on? Kind of contradicting statements in my opinion. If you have more to improve on you are not in the prime of your career. Maybe I'm wrong. I'm just shocked at his comments.

  16. This statement with not having clarified or back tracked the next day is not what represents a player deserving of a "C' or an "A"

  17. Funny how Jet fans supported Scheifele after he almost ended Jake Evans career without any remorse to almost breaking his neck and then acting like he was the victim in all this. Now you're finally realizing that he's a selfish little child. I hope he signs a big fat long term contract and that you're stuck that selfish asshole for many years because that's all Jet fans deserve.

  18. Stasny's comments were a bit shocking, but needed to be said. Refreshing not to get the usual list of cliches. I assume he was including Scheifele, but felt like Scheifele wasn't the only one he was referring to. Wheeler as well maybe? Rumoured to be a bit of a bully in the dressing room, and a close pal of Scheifele. "Self awareness" comment followed by Scheifele's "performance" makes it pretty easy to connect the dots. Sooner they trade him out, the better. Nothing they can do about trading Wheeler, stuck with him.

  19. When you listen to Scheifele, you hear a lot of "I", "My"and "Me". Not what you want to hear from a team leader.

  20. He sounds like a very selfish person now. Definitely not the same Mark from the past. Good bye Marky Mark👋🏼

  21. mark is as good as gone. sucks to see that talent walking away like laine.

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