@Flyers de Philadelphie

Les luttes actuelles des Flyers de Philadelphie

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  1. We need Ellis to help Provorov. He is out there nearly 30 min a night doing it alone. We need to get allison in ASAP, he brings a ton of much needed energy. But the truth is Shannon… There schedule has been very tough where as NYR has been alot easier, i think we will be fine if Hart stays playing solid!

  2. Flyers guy here. I think they're looking a good hard look at our PP/offense coach right now, Therrien.

  3. Great assessment!

    Line up wise Ellis and Hayes need to get healthy and back and things will get better, Nick Seeler is not a good fit and not ready for nhl play. he constantly gets lost and allows goals in various ways. Frost will help now that Brassard is out. Hart is fine, very happy with Jones, was worried initially with his Sharks history but he holds us together some nights

    I think coaching wise Michelle Therian (probably not spelled right) is a horrible special teams coach whose system hasnt worked for the last 3 years, he needs to go, other wise im happy with coaching an management

    The schedule has been hard in November and other division teams have had easy schedules, it'll balance out soon

  4. I love Lindblom, he is truly a warrior. It makes me feel bad to say this… he’s overpaid and over valued. He is a 13th forward on most teams. Hayes & Ellis unable to stay healthy is tough too.

  5. Flyers seem to be in transition, from a free wheeling offence game, where defense and backchecking were unheard of, to now, a team focused more on defense, but have lost some of their offence as a result. Think they miss Vanacek more than they thought they would. Think they have the right idea, they just have to get through the current drought of goals, not panic, and wind up drifting back to their old style, which got them nowhere. (Someone needs to tell JVR that the season has started)

  6. JVR and Lindblom's numbers don't help, we need more from them. Also, our PP and transition game seem slow in comparison to our opponents. At the start of the season Yandle and Ellis were great with that first pass up ice, I haven't seen that too much recently from the D in general.

  7. When Hayes & Ellis return after a while we'll see how the Flyers really are.
    The losses to Tampa Bay & Boston are concerning but considering the schedule it hasn't been as bad as it might seem.

  8. Philly is missing a horse. G has been a superstar in this league and anyone who doesn’t acknowledge that hasn’t watched the team. The Flyers have prioritized drafting 2 way players over talent since Hexy was GM. They have 0 centers coming up unless you consider frost a top 6 player at this point, and almost nothing when it comes to young players with scoring potential. What the Flyers lack is a blue chip prospect. They went through a 5-8year stretch where they didn’t rebuild but didn’t try to win which resulted in ~2 top 12 picks which netted them Provorov (1st pairing D which is good) and Patrick who busted. That’s not good enough. It is why they don’t have sustainable offense. Simply put, they haven’t been in position (or haven’t prioritized) difference makers over solid players. The result is a team who gets outplayed by the more skilled or fast teams in the league, but also isn’t a physical force either. They remain in the mushy middle without a clear direction. The options at this point are to either go all in or all out, but they’ll continue to do neither and likely cap out as a 2nd round type team unless they hit gold with a mid 1st round superstar. We resigned Coots which is great especially given the cap hit, but he is a secondary type of star, we still need the offensive core piece or else Coots will remain a luxury for a team without the pieces around him to make him truly shine.

  9. Obviously Hakstol is the problem, get rid of him and the Flyers thrive, oh wait..

  10. We need to go like 10 games over .500 and rack up some Hakstol points and we‘ll make it this year

  11. Av and Therein need to fired now or sooner!! The pp flat out sucks and system is old and team's have it figured out!

  12. Great video. The Flyers have a bunch of depth and players that every team would love to have, but lack an elite sniper. I can’t remember the last time we had one (2010-2011?). They should have grabbed Laine last year.

  13. Their biggest problem is their power play, it's astronomically bad. It's a rarity that they even get set up in the zone and the guys are all afraid to shoot the puck because they think it's going to get blocked. It makes players like van Riemsdyk useless because he supposed to excel at screening and deflection/rebound goals. He doesn't even get the opportunity because the puck never gets to the net. Only 3 of the 5 players get the puck on the PP and the other two just sit on the ice because of this. They actually disadvantage themselves. Since the PP is so bad, teams feel comfortable playing the Flyers as aggressively as possible because they know if they commit a penalty the Flyers are unlikely to make them pay for it. AV isn't the problem. Don't get me wrong he needs to do a better job, especially with getting the team to utilize the dump & chase, but he's proven his system can work with this team if they get their shit together. Michel Therrien needs to go though. He's been in charge of the power play for 3 years now, and it's never been good.

  14. They definitely need Hayes and Ellis back. Both players will add offensive punch and obviously more depth. As Shannon mentioned, they have had a very tough schedule. It is tougher to score goals against powerhouse teams. The big issue is the power play. It is awful. That is where they need Ellis back in the lineup. If they are in the playoff mix around the trade deadline…..will they pickup a sniper?

  15. The inconsistencies have persisted for over a decade. 3 GMs, multiple head coaches, Giroux the only constant player… the only other constant is Jim McCrossin. Maybe it is time for a new training staff

  16. The Flyers continue to be terrible on the power play, and are still the worst team in shootouts, by miles. That this has not improved means there is an assistant coach that is not getting what is needed. With the churn the roster has had over the years and it continues, it really feels like coaching. Not AV, but down a level on the org chart.

  17. The Metro division is a perennial assblasting, really. At least half the time you're up against cup contenders, future HOF inductees, etc. The fact that the Flyers managed to win against Washington, Edmonton, and Carolina along the way is astounding, especially given how difficult they make goal-scoring look.

  18. all of the issues go: roster construction(as always), AV, therien, yeo, fletcher. no way ALL of our forwards get cold without it being on coaching. i understand slumps happen. i understand goal scoring has been an issue against really good teams. but good lord shannon. this is too good of a team to have our powerplay be this awful. the system is always the same and there is very little to no adjustments to other teams and it’s pathetic. i know hayes and ellis being out hurts. but u can blame all of our struggles on TWO players being out when pittsburgh was playing pretty well despite having 3 surefire hall of famers be out, and 2 major role players. do you know what difference is? pittsburgh has good roster construction and coaching. i’m not gonna blame AV for everything here because his personnel is awful. but AV absolutely has some hand in this.

  19. .500 team. after 2012 and they changed the coach 4 times and several players and nothing changed. maybe they have a plan … maybe.
    imo the collapse system they are playing hurting them. watching pucks, to deep cant breakout fast enough because of that.

  20. I think the problem with power rankings are how people do them. Some just go "based on last week", while others go "looking at the season so far", and some others still go "looking back and trying to look forward". So until we agree (which will never happen) on the right way to do it, there will always be disagreement… so hats off to you Shannon for doing them every week!

  21. Goaltending it's the problem. Part of it, I think is expecting Giroux to carry the scoring. You can easily notice it when they play. The underlying issue in my opinion is depth in scoring lines. 99% Of their playoff runs were scoring by committee. This is an front office issue for sure. I've watched top management trade stars for bums just looking for a paycheck. They've mishandled contracts, abuse goalies, force players into uncomfortable roles, exhaserbate players injuries and even outright lie to fans and press all while failing upward. It's ridiculous and shameful. So the reason the play is inconsistent is the players have been completely demoralized by thei own upper management.

  22. might be time for a struggle video for the Blues. 1st 10 games top team in the league, 2nd 10 games trainwreck.

  23. Can’t beat good teams? Hmmm 🤔 making the playoffs and hoping they get a team that’s not good! Carolina just exposed them and made the defense look slow and unsure of where to go with the puck! The last 3 losses have reverted back to the apple turnover gang! They are slow at turn of foot! In all zones! Again THEY ARE A SLOW TEAM AND HAVE NO WHEELS! Tampa, Carolina and Florida just showed the flyers weaknesses! They will be sellers at the trade deadline! JVR and Konechy better not get too comfortable! Team MVPs are Broussard, Braun and both goaltenders as the 3 stars ⭐️ of the team! After they miss the playoffs this year…….I suspect a blow up! Claude might have wanted to negotiate that contract before they get eliminated! Last but not least, THANK YOU! to the camera crews for not showing how piss poor the attendance is for Philly! Can’t blame us fans ya ran us out of the building last decade! Last….. Should a team with Giroux, Konecny, JVR, Couterier, Farabee, Laughton, Hayes (hurt), Proverov, not be in the playoffs? Answer is YES! They are what they are……a great .550 team! They even said it themselves they have been an EASY team to play against!

  24. Flyer fan here:

    We need Hayes and Ellis back badly and easier opponents like you mentioned. Also thanks for you videos, love the content!

  25. Is Philly underperforming as of now? Yes. Do they have 5 normal roster players out including our second line center and a top 15 NHL defence man? Yes. When both bounce back we should be a top team. No need to panic yet

  26. I think it is as bad as some may think. I didn't think the rebuild would work. For a while it seemed like it did, but now it looks bleak. LGBFJB!

  27. In 1975, I was 14 yo and just watched my Flyers hoist a 2nd consecutive Cup. I figured I had MANY more championships to celebrate. I'm now 61 and don't believe I'll ever see them win the Cup again…

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