@Golden Knights de Vegas

Revisiter… Les Golden Knights de Vegas

Bravo à SeatGeek pour avoir parrainé la vidéo, utilisez le code TREE et obtenez 20 $ de réduction sur votre première commande ! Inscrivez-vous ici : https://sg.app.link/tree C’était un désastre imminent, pensai-je. Il est impossible que cette équipe réussisse si tôt. Regardez comment ils ont constitué leur équipe : ils se concentrent sur le tanking pour l’avenir. Appelez-vous cela les puissances jinxing qui frappent à nouveau ? Ou juste moi étant un idiot? Je vais juste l’appeler ce dernier et l’appeler un jour. Cette vidéo n’est qu’un réexamen des Golden Knights de Vegas, de leur montée surprenante au sommet de la Conférence Ouest à l’assemblage de l’équipe elle-même. Sera informatif? Peut-être… Plus que probablement, cela me fera passer pour un idiot pour les vidéos passées. Tant pis.


  1. What a difference two years make-Vegas makes the Finals in year 1-the next year they have San Jose down 3-2 in Round 1-then choke the series with a total meltdown in Game 7!😱🤬🥶🤮

  2. They should give more freedom to the script of the sponsorship shit.. I'm so done hearing the same shit in every video.. Raid is the fucking worst, and they have to straight lie to people's face about revolutionary gameplay and graphics, and then you play it.. It's not really the worst mobile game but it's far from REVOLUTIONARY. Try NBA 2K to mobile, even they atleast tried to make a game, Raid is just point and click game with autoplay, and lot's and LOT'S of fucking ads.. I understand why people are doing this, Youtube guidelines suck and everyone abuses the copyright system so all the good content gets demonetized. It sucks why people just don't go to Vimeo or some other site, if everyone would just quit Youtube they would soon understand that they can't just think about the kids who watch Jake Paul or Tana and shit, and the funny thing is that Jake is a sociopath who cares only about fame and money, and Tana is a junkie slut who lies about everything… So good job Youtube, you're promoting bad people on trending and screwing money from everyone else..

  3. I knew that we were going to crush and make playoffs. Half of there players are in there prime or starting it. Fleury will destroy entail he retires. How they have now have Stone and Statsney. There are a team that will win a cup in at least 10 years

  4. And they keep winning

    Making trades for really good players as well

    Mark Stone
    Max Pacorietty

    Now I hope Seattle does well when they come into the NHL as a Canucks fan I want to have a really good new rivalry with them going forward

  5. Admit it, Tree: you like the Golden Knights not only cause they triggered an entire country. As a Pens fan, you should know that there were at least 5 former Penguins players in that team (Deryk Engelland, Marc-Andre Fleury, James Neal, Ryan Reaves, and David Perron). Give it some time, and they may become the "Penguins of the West", and you can stop worrying about the Sharks letting you down every year cause of their choking.

  6. #1 seed completely dominating this 1st rnd v Chicago 2 years later, ye you actually didn't jinx a team tree

  7. “The real test will be three to four years down the road” as of me typing this, they got the first seed in the COVID Cup so I think they’ve passed

  8. The original video continues to age like a jar in mayo in the desert sun.

  9. So…revisiting the knights again…another conference final with a bit of a new look lineup even from this one

  10. So the thing about VGK's home record?

    Everyone who said that Vegas was a terrible place for hockey was right, it's a terrible place to be a pro-sportsman. Visiting teams reported lack of sleep, players going to casinos too long, and generally having difficultly getting 'in the zone'. The Knights – who keep their players off of the strip – have no such problems.

  11. Here 3 years later…..the knights have made the playoffs all their years of existence

  12. The zippy peer-to-peer arguably empty because whistle intraoperatively wail a a pretty grandson. deep, curvy slime

  13. Shipachyov retired due to not only getting suspended by his team, but there was a HUGE language barrier, and the team had no russian translator

  14. The Vegas fanbase remind me of Juju. They were darlings for the first couple of years and now they're straight up annoying.

  15. The endurable lathe rhetorically part because error nomenclaturally park opposite a possessive diving. well-to-do, truthful distributor

  16. The wide-eyed lip biosynthetically phone because pot prognostically scare next a ad station. abounding, waiting cafe

  17. 3 conference finals in 4 years, dedicated fan base. It's worked out amazing so far.

  18. I got this video on my recommendations list right after Vegas lost to Montreal in 6 games

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