@Avalanche du Colorado

MacKinnon’s Day avec la Coupe Stanley

Nathan MacKinnon ramène la Coupe Stanley dans sa ville natale de Cole Harbour, en Nouvelle-Écosse. Domicile des champions de la coupe Stanley Sidney Crosby et Nathan MacKinnon. Pour plus d’informations, ainsi que toutes les dernières nouvelles et faits saillants de la LNH, connectez-vous sur le site Web officiel de l’équipe à http://www.ColoradoAvalanche.com/ MacKinnon’s Day with the Stanley Cup Abonnez-vous sur YouTube : http://www.youtube. com/user/AvalancheNHL Aimez-nous sur Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/coloradoavalanche Suivez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/Avalanche Suivez-nous sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/coloradoavalanche Suivez-nous nous sur : Tumblr http://coloradoavalanche.tumblr.com/ Achetez du matériel Avs NHL : http://www.altitudeauthentics.com/


  1. A class act, just like his buddy Sid. Very proud of him.

  2. Inquiring minds want to know if Sid was drunk at your party. Sounds like he owed you. LOL

  3. Nice to see Nate so happy. He put so much stress on not winning the Stanley Cup- now he can enjoy time with the Cup and have a great season. Sometimes I have to laugh seeing all the fans at the side of the road waiting for the parade…I guess now they can put on their Penguins-Crosby t-shirts.

  4. 29 is my favorite Av since Forsberg, and Drury. Fitting my two new favorite players to watch are 29 and 8. Can’t wait for this season! Go Avs!

  5. Nathan is such a competitor and he has earned his time with Lord Stanley.
    I know his passion will be to win another and another as he is soooooooo competitive.
    Congrats to Nathan and his family and once again the AVS!

  6. Can't say you "haven't won shit" now huh 😏 Nate The Great!!! All gravy from here on in his career. A very Happy 27th Birthday today too! Go Avs Go!!

  7. Played so many game in that rink. Got scored on by the other one from Cole Harbour a few times there.

  8. Just goes to show you …that you have to put the Time and effort to become a pro….Class act family….

  9. Still remember when he was on the TV show "Mr D" a Canadian show based in Nova Scotia. MacKinnon is truly good! Look it up Avs fans.

  10. Now he's won "shit"! Mack is an indispensable part of the team and they need to get him signed long-term.

  11. Love the place where you live Nathan it cool just like you happy to see your enjoying your family.

  12. 1 of many to come I think…. congrats Nathan will deserved….. its truly an honor having you as an AVS…. now go get em….

  13. Hear that kids.

    You just need your own lake and parents who tend to your every need and you too can be a Stanley Cup champion.

  14. I've met a lot of Denver professional sports players as I worked at a prestigious store in Cherry Creek. Nathan was the most down to earth and nicest guy I have ever encountered. So happy for him & his family. Now Avs, PAY THE MAN!!!

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