@Oilers d'Edmonton

Podcast « Kosk mène les Oilers à vaincre Vancouver » de The Cult of Hockey

Faisons cela! Le balado Cult of Hockey. Par les fidèles et pour les fidèles, ce soir avec Bruce McCurdy et David Staples. Ils creusent dans la victoire 3-2 d’Edmonton contre les Canucks de Vancouver.


  1. Well I guess I'm old as well lol. Yes if im at the game I'm there to watch it not the rest of it. Not for me that's why I prefer watching at home. Not to say I don't like the city being loud in the playoffs.

  2. The Edmonton crowd, the noise, the emotions brewed, will be a huge difference this playoffs. Go boys go!

  3. Two points:
    1. The team skill level without 97/29/25 showed a surprisingly drop off… at least in the first two periods. It reverted to the level that forced Holland to give Tippett the apple and road map. Zone entry was mostly by accident. No one could pass the puck, recieve the puck, or make a play with the puck if it somehow bounced within reach. Somehow it improved in the 3rd where the OIL had some stretches of offensive pressure.
    2. The sound level issue. Yeah, I might be one of those "Get off my lawn" grumps but I might be able to see the two sides of the issue. And you might have hit on explanation when you noted that there might be a sound tolerance differnce between season ticket holders and a fan/family who attends only on special occasions and is there really to maybe blow off a little steam, go a little wild, let the kids jump around and dance to the music, and maybe see themselves on the big screen. As someone who has attended most of the home games this year, I don't need the piped in sound to appreciate the game experience. In fact it does get tedious and, to me also, does detract from the in-game experience. Recent large crowds have shown they can generate their own noise (the "wave", "Go OIL Go" chants, and boos against the usual cast of blind referees and opponent players). I don't mind that "noise". In fact I welcome it. I think it helps the team. It is the barrage between the play that can become problematic for me. However the fan (families included) who might only get to see one or a couple of games a year is not exposed to the constant sound barage game after game. I wonder if it would get old if they were able to get to more games? The OILERS, I am sure, have lost a number of season ticket holders from the last full year. And for good reason. Anyway, over the last two games the usually empty seats around me have been mostly filled with a variety fans; young and old. They seem to actually like jumping up and down and hamming it up for the camera when the play is stopped. But then again, they know they are not likely to be back in the near future for another game. So I don't know what the correct balance should be…

  4. You guys are just awesome. I’m a huge oil fan and I like to see it reflected in you guys. Praying this is the year we do something.

  5. There should be another category tracked: goals scored from point shot where goalie is screened. Call it a “screened Californian”

  6. My PVR recorded the Sportsnet pacific channel so I had the Canucks broadcast team. As a hater of Jack Michaels I will say that for once I wish I was listening to Jack. Canucks broadcasting team is horrible & although I used to like John Garrett, holy is he ever up Quinn Hughes's butt. I'm sure he has a Hughes shrine at home. I noticed the crowd sound was amplified as well. Didn't sound like a typical Oiler broadcast. Was pretty annoying but I think that's on Sportsnet not Rogers place

  7. Great points Stapes. Imagine if they could of stemmed their losing streak. Imagine if Kenny "Detroit" Holland pulled the trigger sooner on ole Dave "Chasing the Game" Tippett would have probably meant 3 to 5 more wins.

  8. Interesting that you prefer Jack Michaels as a broadcasting choice. He brings far too much colour to my liking when the play is on. I synchronize the TV broadcast with 630 CHED (easiest to do during the anthems) and listen to Cam Moon who calls the play without unnecessary distractions.
    Even when doing radio, I find that Jack comes armed with stats which take precedence over the game.

  9. The two grandpas want the music turned down??? Who would have thought. 😆

    Poll #2: should the kids stay off my lawn?

  10. I would not forgive if they lose 4 games without playing Koskinen. He's the one that got them in and should be given at least one game to prove himself.

  11. The Oilers are the 11th best team in the regular season…..104 points … we shall see what carries forward. I still do not trust their defense … Kane has created an elongated positive effect on their top 3 lines for sure….. Are they a strong playoff style hockey team? Can they take hits and dish em out as needed?

  12. Haven’t been to a game since 2nd round playoffs vs Anaheim. We won! Was electric! For yrs during the 1.5 decades of darkness everyone including me an old foegy said during regular season there was no energy in the building. So they inject some and everyone moans. Who gives a … Undefeated in the last how many games at home? 14? Don’t change a goddam thing I say. Just my opinion.

    Is it just me or does anyone think that starting On Monday, A special run is coming?Something tells me this team won’t hang their heads after a bad or tough loss as they did in the Tippet era. Woody’s positive attitude will not allow it! The full bore of the pressure is no longer squarely on McDrai’s shoulders. This is a unified team playing for each other and their coach! I honestly believe we can beat anyone! It’s gonna take a bit of luck but it always does. Ask Habs fans. Pundits are sleeping on our chances. But you all have seen how good this team can be! Let’s Go!

  13. Hi Dave, I think the results of the poll question might indicate hearing loss amongst the fans. They may not feel the loudness of the music because of their slight hearing impairment. It happens to many young people. I have some friends who used to listen to a lot of loud music in their younger years and now have to push up the volume on their radios and cassette tape players in order to hear the tunes. Hence, when you say the music in Northlands Coliseum 2.0 is too loud, you are probably right. On a more somber note, I hope the Oilers can win the Stanley Cup this year. If they get good and consistent goaltending, they can go to the finals. Enough said.

  14. time for choosing is upon us gentleman….you could pick the side of mine or you are with the runner ups!

    choice is yours…. or is it?

    we will discover tonight!


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