@Canadiens de Montréal

GOTTA SEE IT: Cole Caufield divise la défense des Panthers avant de couvrir le but du revers

Regardez l’attaquant des Canadiens de Montréal Cole Caufield marquer son 22e but de la saison en divisant la défensive des Panthers de la Floride avant de couvrir un revers devant Jonas Johansson pour marquer.


  1. Man, with everything thats happened in Montreal this year…. this team is eventually going to be one worth paying attention to.

  2. This guy would’ve won the Calder this year if St Louis was our coach all season! This kid is insane.

  3. Easy Canadians fans. Florida called up its ahl super turds to play your last place club. Way to save all those goals for the last meaningless game of the season cole. 🙌

  4. after only scoring 1 goal in 30 games, he is now 2nd in rookie goal scoring. sensational.

  5. I can't believe Ducharme made him play on the 4th line for the first 30 games

  6. Ducharme should be tarred and feathered for his archaic coaching that cost CC the Calder.

  7. Who knew that the only way to develop young players was to let them play and give them space. Where making 1 mistake doesn't necessarily mean you're gonna be benched for half the game. I love MSL and the direction the Habs are taking.

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