@Golden Knights de Vegas

Accident de klaxon de but de chance

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  1. should have just started with goal tender interference and left it at that.

  2. I kinda wonder wether or not this was filmed after the incident as a joke. I don’t think the would let him push the button I think they would have said don’t touch anything so he wouldn’t have touched anything.

  3. Me talking to the red: Give him another chance
    VGK: What are we supposed to do with two of them

  4. I wonder if this actually happened, and not just a skit, because of the four random intervals

  5. MY FAVORITE HOCKEY CLIP IN 6 MONTHS! I played for 10 years and I know that EVERYONE on the team including the mascot has balls xD This video just made my day.
    Made me think of the time 2 guys were in my crease and I shoved my stick under their skates so I could see loll(plus two guys in front of me I put on the ground were HUGE!!!Cleared tons of space for me. Heard their coach SCREAMING FOUL FOUL FOUL PENALTY SHOT! but, the refs came by me and said(good job eh)one of those boys is still mad 8 years later. Friggin move on boy it’s hockey. I didn’t break your leg. Lol. NHL players lose up to 17 teeth in a game. I just tripped you in me crease so you couldn’t cheat. Lmao

    30 years old now and I found a father son league. Insanely stoked. He’s 2 and already on hockey skates shooting pucks. Gets down and right up.

    I see him as solid defense one day because his Dr says he’s gonna be about 7ft

  6. Ik my fav is the Washington capitals ( your team sucks ) but why does there channel have good effort but you have better effort??? I’m scared I’m going to leave my fav team 😰😰

  7. If I were working the sound booth that night, you'd know that the Mario fail tune is coming in a heartbeat.

  8. Wonder what chance thought when the ref said "No goal due to goaltender interference".

  9. After video review, the puck was in the net before the net came off crowd goes wild vegas golden knight goal horn The call on the ice is no goal for goal horn interference

  10. I'm a wild fan and I don't like anything to do with the Golden knights but they know how to make people laugh

  11. “The puck was in the net before it came off…”
    Normal people: Sounds like a goal!
    Mascot: Sounds horn!
    Ref: annoyed (paraphrased) “However, there was goal tender interference so no goal.”
    Mascot: 🙃

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