@Blues de Saint-Louis

Les Blues de St.Louis tirent 3 pénalités en moins de 2 minutes

Téléchargé par : Alyssa Hope Channel Lien : https://www.youtube.com/c/AlyssaHope Tous les droits reviennent à la LNH. Je ne possède pas la musique et les images utilisées dans cette vidéo. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. A more interesting situation is when the three penalties are all at different stopages. The first guy doesn't come out until the second penalty is over, then the second guy does not come out until the third penalty is over, finally the third guy doesn't come out until his penalty is done and after a whistle.

  2. Bro what are these refs?!? Two joke penalties and a double minor for no immediate blood???

    The playoff refs are getting a head start this year around the whole league…

  3. Yea, that first call was absolutely wrong. And then they doubled down with hurt feelings when they got called out for their bullshit penalty.

  4. I loathe the draw blood = automatic double minor rule. If NHLers don't want to wear face protection, that's on them.

  5. 0:38 Did the announcer really watch the replay and say his back was to Buchnevich as he hit his chest??? 😂😂😂😂

  6. The unsportsmanlike seems kinda weak, but the other two penalties are about as easy as it gets!

  7. All the no calls on all the REALLY dangerous boardings we've all seen this year and these dillweed Refs call THAT?!?!? And BTW, uber biased announcer, STL player DID NOT hit the SJ player in the back, nor was he dangerlously close to the boards nor did the SJ player hit the boards after the love tap from the STL Player! You HOMER!
    So yeah, that's why Tarasenko was PISSED and for good reason. I don't understand the love lasting love affair the NHL Referees have had with San Jose but that was a horrible call.
    Oh, and Couture, you need to shave that so-called mustache, you look like Cindy Crosby!

  8. Tarasenko wasn't just pissed about the call on Buch, he was pissed because the refs didn't call a blatant trip on him at the blue line, prob bc they felt bad about putting Blues up on a 5 on 3, then this happens lol refs have been atrocious this year. There will always be bad calls, but fans from all teams are noticing how shit they are this year

  9. Усыкалово ) Бутылку водки за тот столик, пожалуйста )

  10. Really…..! Unsportsmanlike, my A$$ . and the first shouldn’t EVEN HAVE BEEN A PENALTY at least barby actually got him with his stick… BUT A DOUBLE??!!! I saw NO BLOOD 🩸… smh

  11. I'm a Wings fan and when the refs control the game to line their pockets I call them the Ref-wings but hey at least the refs are going to buy their wifes a nice car with that bribe money from that game cause man this game looked fixed to me!🤔

  12. Ahhh, the woke NHL with their woke refs. The last sport to crumble into garbage. Pretty soon players will need safe spaces

  13. Not sure who those loser commentators were, but they amused me with their ignorance.

  14. All things considered, the outcome wasn't that bad. The end result of that was 1-1.

  15. The third penalty was just. Especially FOUR min!! The first two look like a canadian ref hating russians.

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