@Stars de Dallas

Faits saillants de la LNH | Coyotes vs Stars – 27 avril 2022

Shayne Gostisbehere a marqué un improbable videur et aidé sur le but égalisateur alors que les Coyotes de l’Arizona ont marqué quatre buts sans réplique pour vaincre les Stars de Dallas 4-3.


  1. Only team that deserves the playoffs less than the Stars did this year was Vegas. How do you lose as much as Dallas has lately?How do blow a 3-0 3rd period lead to the Coyotes. Enjoy being massacred in the playoffs. Wow

  2. Too many teams fail to respect the yotes fully and get embarrassed. Yeah Dallas got the point they wanted, but still, this was rough.

  3. I was just at the show at the top row opposite to the cameras. This red head chick kept looking at me and it seemed like we lived a lifetime together. If you are the red head chick, I am the hot dude in the green jacket. Please hit me up. Mwah

  4. Вот те и Аризона! Загасили звёзд!
    Радул топчи назад в Салават! Там ты точно будешь звездой..!😃😤

  5. Неудивительно почему и "дикари" койотам уступили бьются до конца🏒🔥👍

  6. Terrible job by the channel not even showing faces of green players after regulation. Jumped to OT right away, as their house was burning. Same thing for parallel Vegas game.

  7. Wedgewood stands on his head and you get a flash of the past with 91/14, Dallas could give someone hell.

  8. Stars let the coyotes back into the game and it really bit them in the ass! The team really needs new leadership.

  9. Never….ever , heard anyone say "right down the esophagus" …about a hockey play before

  10. Something I don’t say often, but the Coyotes deserved this one. They played a really good game and I hope this is the kick the the pants the team needs to be better next year.

  11. Даллас и миннесота,,, не одевайте зелёное джерси на игру с Койотами🙉🤢👎
    Зелёный цвет раздражает Койотов🤢🤮😈👎🤣👍

  12. Звезды булки расслабили удаляться стали…вот и получите от койотов!))

  13. Two words Stars Suck. 3 goal lead to a loss. Unbelievable suckness!

  14. What a weak way for the Stars to make the playoffs…yeash…

  15. Wait I’m confused. Did the stars eliminate the knights or did the coyotes?
    I have to admit, that was a heck of a finish to the game from the yotes. I’m excited to see how the draft goes. Best of luck to all teams in the draft and playoff’s.

  16. What was ghost doing on that second goal? Took like 5 seconds to slowly stick handle the puck into the boards?

    Edit: *second Dallas goal

  17. What a comeback by the Arizona Coyotes! Down 0-3, and then score 3 in a row to tie the game and force overtime. And then win in overtime! Unfortunately Dallas get the one point and ensure their place in the playoffs (eliminating my fav team, the Canucks)

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