@Flames de Calgary

Faits saillants de la LNH | Maple Leafs contre Flames – 10 février 2022

Les Flames ont marqué quatre buts en deuxième période et Jakob Markstrom a effectué 46 arrêts alors que Calgary battait les Maple Leafs de Toronto 5-2.


  1. Флеймс порадовали! То ли повезло, то ли крепкая команда просто вынесла мягкотелых звезд Торонто

  2. Team is going get rinsed in first round.. Defense is lacking for Leafs…will be another 67 years before you life another cup.

  3. To all of the people saying Campbell played poorly, All of the Flames goals were either snipes or Campbell had no chance

  4. Sportsnet so butthurt they went right from 12 minutes to the last few seconds of the game lol

  5. As a Leafs fan I gotta give it to Calgary , they played a great game! Leaf's were all over them and played a good game too but calgary really took advantage of mistakes in the 2nd period. Was an entertaining game, good luck calgary ! Until we meet again!

  6. Theo Fluery is the only NHLr that's speaking out against all the bs we are going thru. While our freedoms erode players play meaningless games. History won't look good on them.

  7. All the negatives aside , Bunts with that nasty shot! What can’t this kid do? Crazy how we have him for another year at league min.

  8. Огоньки сожгли Листья!!
    Добротная команда Калгари!!
    Выйдите в ПООФ и утрите нос этим Мажорам из Эдмонтона !!

  9. Leafs should regret getting rid of Kadri ! He is MVP of the league this year ! He’s got way more points than Tavares and he is defensively superior and a much faster skater !

  10. I wonder what the record shot difference is with still losing the game. Toronto must hold this record. 48 to 26 has to be close

  11. Brutal and rude game of Calgary players i feel sorry for them at least do not play wild when to do not deserve to play .GO LEAFS GO

  12. What happened to Hockey Night in Canada? It's unwatchable! Went from being a Canadian tradition to a colossal embarrassment! 😡

  13. Someone told me about a week ago the Leafs were ready for the cup this year… Maybe a cup of coffee from Tim Hortons.

  14. 02:14 – What a save by Anderrson. He was a beast out there and has been for a while now.

  15. The set play that lead to Hanifin's goal

    *chef's kiss*

  16. must suck to have a combined total of 98-100 shots the past 2 games and lose them both

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