@Sénateurs d'Ottawa

5 prédictions des Sénateurs d’Ottawa et Hot Takes pour la saison 2022-23!

Cinq prédictions pour les Sénateurs d’Ottawa au cours de la saison 2022-2023, à partir du nombre de buts qu’Alex DeBrincat peut marquer lors de sa première année en tant que Sénateur, combien de points Tim Stutzle peut marquer avec les nouveaux ailiers Claude Giroux et Alex DeBrincat, si la recrue Jack Sanderson peut être un top D dans la LNH, et jusqu’où les Sénateurs pourraient aller en séries 00:00 Intro 00:37 Prédiction #1 02:18 Prédiction #2 03:35 Prédiction #3 05:14 Prédiction #4 08:00 Prédiction #5 09:17 Conclusion et pensées finales #nhl #gosens #ottawasenators #nhlpredictions #sens


  1. I’d had Ottawa in a wild card spot but I think they can be better than we think they can be and don’t get me wrong I think they can possibly be over Toronto in the standing and maybe Florida but they’re going to be an exciting team to watch

  2. Love these. They are dreams right now, but yes all are possible. My big worry is if we get injuries to our top D-men. At full strength, we are a bit weak on D,, but if Chabot ever gets injured, the season could go down fast.

  3. You cannot blame just the Dmen for Ottawa's goals-against. They were a true dog's breakfast in their own end last season: weak, disorganized and confused. That's coaching and lack of engagement by the forwards. The good news is that can be corrected. You can't just practise the fun stuff. Also, if they could get rid of Zaitsev's giveaways and unforced icings, they would spend a lot less time defending.

  4. It's not Defensemans to blame, Zeitsev is one to blame careless with the puck, horrible turnovers, and doesn't get back defencely because he is slow, he is hurting the team

  5. Giroux is getting old and slowing down. Debrincat's bread and butter was Kane. He will not reach 30 goals. Stuztle is not Kane so 100 pts? don't make me laugh… But It's nice to dream big.

  6. Great video, thanks. Got high high hopes for this szn. GO SENS GOOOO

  7. If your 4 predictions pan out, it is logical that the Sens make the playoffs, and yes, it would make sense that if they face the Leafs they make it to the second round.

    My predictions are more modest: The Sens squeeze out 97 points and make it to the playoffs during the last couple of games. Untethered by the late Melnyk, Dorion is able to trade at the deadline for a bonafide, top 4 RHD that carries the Sens to the playoffs. Once in the playoffs, the experience from Giroux and the energy of the youth carry the Sens through two rounds, but alas they fall to a more experienced team in the quarterfinals. The Sens' young guns are in contention for several awards, but as they do not make/ win the finals, none win. The Sens are sold to owners with deep pockets and are able to keep a competitive team for years to come!

  8. As a Sens fan I love the optimism in your predictions but I love even more that you are backing them up with strong factual arguments. Whether they happen or not, you’ve made a strong case that all of them are possible.

  9. Just signed jimmy stu for & yrs at 66.8 million!! Awesome signing. Timmy superstar locked up till he’s 30👏👏👏👏

  10. For the Sens
    1. Tim Stutzle top 10 in points 2. Thomas Chabot is top 3 Norris Voting 3. Ridley Grieg makes the team and scores 20 goals 4. Ottawa makes the playoffs 5. Ottawa wins 2 playoff series

    For my team -Tampa
    1. Stamkos wins the Rocket 2. Vasy wins the Vezina 3. Hedman has 90 points 4. Tampa wins the division 5. 3rd cup in 4 years

  11. Stutz not scoring 100 points. this year or in his career. damn that right-side D is awful. agree on Sanderson going to be solid

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