@Predators de Nashville

Un fan des Nashville Predators jette un poisson-chat sur la glace dans le premier match

Un poisson-chat a arrêté le jeu lors du premier match de la finale de la Coupe Stanley après qu’un fan l’ait lancé sur la glace à Pittsburgh.


  1. It was working as Pittsburgh didn't have shot on goal in the 2nd period and the predators came back so it was working for a while

  2. He can get 6 years for this lmao. Imagine in prison,

    -what you here for
    -I killed for people you?
    -I threw a catfish on the ice during a hockey game…

  3. can't even come up with their own ideas and Detroit won cups before doing it lol

  4. Lock him up. That guy is a danger to society, a true bottom-feeder. You're not safe within a whisker of him.

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