@Avalanche du Colorado

L’Avalanche du Colorado remporte la Coupe Stanley dans le sixième match !

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  1. LETS GOOOOOO. I was so happy for Landeskog and McKinnon. Their some of my favorite players

  2. I can't say I feel Bad For Corey Perry who got off a lot easier than that Tampa fan KO'd by RAngers thugs :). HIm being a former Ducks player I did enjoy him losing. He is a dirty player who really knows who to get under skin. His antics are nothing compared to when was on Ducks team with Getzlaf and others. Colorado winning with Same Coach who was on the worst teams is Amazing. I have to say for him I'm glad as I would never want to be in that position :). Avalanche would have probably won in 2020 if things didn't get derailed and 2021 so eh. Really don't enjoy things anymore or all the ads. I think I might give up hockey and NHL :).

  3. Great video love you Tara! Was soooo happy Avs won it!.Looking forward to see our RANGERRRRRS NEXT YEAR! Keep up the Passion Tara!♡

  4. Rangers could have won the cup this year. Good Job Colorado! See you next year. Love the 2001 finals Ray Borque!!!!

  5. After Tampa beat the rangers, I was glad to watch the Avalanche win in Tampa barn…loved seeing those sad faces. Does that make me a terrible person?

  6. Wit this bs "salary cap" loopholes smh… Let's LTIR someone who magically gets healthy by playoffs now our team is stacked smhhhhh

  7. Tampa took it to the Rangers. However, I'm not going to take anything away from the Rangers. They are a great team and will be in the playoffs next year. Why dislike Tampa? Three finals in a row and will be in the mix next year. The Eastern Conference will be fun to watch next season. This Tampa fan gives CO a huge well done. Enjoy it, you deserve it.

  8. Don't worry, I got your back. I told my buddy Elon about what happened with your twitter account. Yeah right.

  9. Nothing is sweeter than seeing Kucherov throw a temper tantrum at the bench while on the ice, with 30 seconds on the clock. I mean come on man lmao

  10. Avs fan here (and have been for 26 years), just wanted to say that the person that I'm happiest for on my team is Erik Johnson. That man stuck through literal sh*t to get here with this team, and it paid off. The shot of him and MacKinnon hugging and laying on top of one another, telling each other "I love you!" will forever be my favorite picture of the Avs winning the cup (behind only Ray Bourque lifting the cup).

  11. The Avs would have beat the Rangers in 5;). I do like the team the Rangers have though. They are going to be in the finals very soon.

  12. Wow young lady. Your knowledge of NHL Hockey and on my Avs is impressive. Well done. For fun look at the Avs PP% in the final series.

  13. Who's this? Never seen her on my feed . . .
    Blech, Rangers fan. Never mind.

  14. Makar was a beast during the regular season & playoffs, well-deserving of the Conn Smythe. However, Josi in my opinion should’ve won the Norris trophy.

  15. Are you sure you are not a Colorado Avalanche and not a Rangers fan? The excitement you talk about Avs is something else lol.

  16. Boy the Bolts were punks in the finals. Moan and complain about every call or non-call. Bitch about every Avs goal but don’t actually challenge. Think they were really exposed as unprofessional and emotionally weak.

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