@Ducks d'Anaheim

Faits saillants de la LNH | Canards contre Coyotes – 1 avril 2022

Isac Lundestrom a marqué deux fois, Trevor Zegras a marqué un autre but de style crosse et Anthony Stolarz a obtenu un jeu blanc de 22 arrêts alors que les Ducks d’Anaheim ont blanchi les Coyotes de l’Arizona 5-0.


  1. Beagle will get his next season. Players have long memories. Terry was grabbing Beagle for cross checking Zegras in the back. Terrys gloves were on the entire time & he’s just wailing on him? Come on now! Pick on someone your own size. Good luck next season Jay cuz ur gonna get it.

  2. I got home tonight saw it was 5-0 with not much time left and a huge power play as it was time to say” it’s over, ducks win!

  3. Uhmmmm, Idk… Maybe Terry should hold his own? Or I don’t know, have some teammates back him up? Good on Beagle, all the way.

  4. Слава Богу Анахайм после 11 поражений, наконец-то взял три очка. Преданному болельщику, я думаю он поймёт кому я адресую свой привет, с ПОБЕДОЙ долгожданной.

  5. Я уж думал, что следующая победа будет только в следующем сезоне. Всех с победой!

  6. В конце концов,
    Среди концов,
    Мы наконец
    Нашли конец!!!
    Спасибо за победу.
    Спасибо за сухарь.
    Спасибо за прерванную серию из 10 поражений.
    Утки вперёд!!!

  7. Punching a guy when he's down, fighting a guy who doesn't fight, what a *@#^% joke. Nick Deslauriers would have LOVED to of had a shot at Beagle after that fiasco but he's now with the Wild. Perhaps on the 26th Nick will remember his former teammate..

  8. After this long the quacks didn’t quack for the 12th time and finally got that W

  9. Is that the cross check he’s crying about? What a joke this kids gotta get mucked so he has something to really cry about. “The league should be stepping in”

  10. The issue is zero respect in hockey today, the one good thing about old time hockey you respected the game and other players. If you dance around like a goof after a goal you'd pay the price. Zegras lacrosse goal in a 4 to 0 game is nothing but a guy looking for attention and disrespectful to hockey. HOCKEY IS A TEAM SPORT. Solution you want to show off after a goal, disrespect the game and other players and think your playing lacrosse not hockey. Then its time teams use enforcers to get the respect again…

  11. Gila River Arena staff playing "La Chona" by Los Tucanes de Tijuana on the Carcone v Carrick fight. You know those fools are having a blast with the fight.

  12. You play in the NHL Zegras. You've got the skills absolutely but do you have the bottle or chin for the fight? Man up! Opposition felt disrespected, they had a bad game. Physicality is all they had left.

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