@Wild du Minnesota

Klaxon de but des séries éliminatoires du Minnesota Wild 2015 ᴴᴰ

Corne plus longue, mixage de chansons mis à jour et nouvelle réverbération. Chanson : Joe Satriani – Crowd Chant (Wild 2015 Playoffs Goal Horn) (Sirène de but du Wild du Minnesota pour les séries 2015) https://twitter.com/NHHLHornsSongs AVIS DE NON-RESPONSABILITÉ ; Fair Use Act : Aucun profit n’est généré à partir de ce contenu. À des fins de divertissement uniquement.


  1. Thats sick! Awesome Job! Do you think, after you have all the playoff horns done, you could do the old Habs goal horn? Goal Song by L'Orielle (or something like that)

  2. Surprised I just now found this vid…. its Awesome… Its our Goal Horn perfectly. And Yea as NHLHornsandSongs  said,,, The Wild had it First!

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