@Hurricanes de la Caroline

« Brass Bonanza » retentit après le but de Teravainen lors de Whalers Night

Teuvo Teravainen tire une passe du coin qui dévie vers un joueur des Bruins devant, déclenchant les sons nostalgiques de « Brass Bonanza » dans tout le PNC Arena lors de Whalers Night ! Pour les dernières actions de hockey, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant S’ABONNER Regardez le hockey en direct où que vous soyez : https://www.nhl.com/tv Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. The NHL marketing has ruined hockey. 9 different stadiums I’ve been to and they all played that “wooooooo” after a goal. Ridiculous. And so loud it cancels out the fans cheering. Get rid of the “cheer leaders” also. So happy to hear Brass Bonanza tho! Wish o could have been there for that one!

  2. Livin in Mtl. the 1st time i ever heard this song was the 86 or 87 playoffs , u could not deny how cool it was .

  3. just call the team the Carolina Whalers – i'm sure there were a few back in the days and it cant be worse than the jazz in utah

  4. Yeah, the Carolina Hurricanes used to be the Hartford Whalers. What is funny that the EA Sports NHL video games did not recognized the old Hartford Whalers under the current Carolina Hurricanes. I have the NHL 2009 video games and there was not any retro uniform of the Hartford Whalers the last time I've checked.

  5. That moment when you remember that most Whalers didn’t actually wear helmets.

  6. If there ever was a Monstars sorta threat and we had to send the worlds best hockey players to beat them. I'd totally have the LA Kings goal horn followed up with the Brass Bonanza

  7. Bruins fan here. F the Whalers, F the Hurricanes (major rivals, no disrespect meant); but Brass Bonanza is the best!

  8. Best goal song ever. It might be the 1st goal song ever. I remember hearing it back in the 80s. The Blues had "The Saints go Marching in" played on the organ back then as well

  9. Good to see Carolina struggling so that they have to revert to this. For what?

  10. It doesn't look like the Bruins fans invaded, like they used to at the Hartford Civic Center?

  11. In the early years, there was no fog horn in Hartford. Brass Bonanza WAS the horn!

  12. Oh how I wish this was all a reality and not just a one time thing I miss the whalers but man I will always bleed green and blue

  13. Grew up west of Hartford in the 80’s-90’s…got bring this franchise back to Hartford. Get the XL Center upgraded and bring back the NHL to where it belongs.

  14. It is only fitting they wear those uniforms against a team that they had many wars against over the years. Playing the Brass Bonanza was the cherry on top for me.

  15. Is it me that's older or is it that players looked older back then ? Chist , look at these kids on the bench

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