@Oilers d'Edmonton

Plate-forme ’72 | Un podcast de fans des Oilers d’Edmonton | Épisode 2 24/22 septembre | Signatures PTO | Camp d’entraînement

The Oilers Fanatic présente Rig ’72, un podcast de fans des Oilers d’Edmonton. Dans l’épisode 2, Patrick et Toph discutent des signatures des Oilers PTO, du camp d’entraînement, des intronisés au Temple de la renommée, de la réaction des fans et plus encore !! #Oilers #LetsGoOilers #Rig72 LES OILERS CETTE SEMAINE 0:46 Seconds FUN OILERS FAITS ET HISTOIRE 23:06 RÉACTION DES FANS : VOS QUESTIONS ET COMMENTAIRES 24:37 Training Camp Video Courtesy OILERS TV EdmontonOilers.Com


  1. what do you mean a 2nd chance… at what….he was aquitted…am i missing something?….

  2. oh my god….you libtards….this is hard to watch….you might lose a subscriber or 2 over this…..me being the 1st

  3. so if you get pulled over and givin a breathalyzer test and you pass…does that mean you get a 2nd chance…please explain?

  4. I think there is 2 sides to a story,a jury heard them both and voted not guilty. I have stated before that I did not like Jake but he deserves a chance.

  5. #Rig72 I moved to Edmonton from Grenada West Indies in 1979, I was only 4 but fell in love with the game of hockey.I was in Edmonton durying the glory days of the city of Champs,but sadly my parents moved us to Hamilton,Ontario.I bleed Blue and Orange; and my second team is Chicago Blackhawks.

  6. Its a pto, if he does well, why not add him to the team on a support position. It's an 82 game season, we are going to get injuries. Facts dont care about your feelings, and he was proven not guilty by a jury of his peers. Keep being snowflakes and losing your minds over something, that ultimately doesn't matter.

  7. Patrick,

    Is your guest a lawyer? Has he read the transcripts? What qualifies him to judge our system of law?
    I'll pass on listening to anymore of his regurgitated opinion.

  8. Home work for the 2 of you. Which teams with injuries would be best to make a trade with right now

  9. Love the podcast format. It's even better than the Edmonton Journal one. Suggestion: Toph's audio is perfect but Patrick's needs to be better. I watch on my 4K TV with sound system. What are you using for audio ?

  10. The guest doesn’t know anything about Ryan Smyth? You e got to be kidding me – this guy is Patrick’s podcast partner about the Oilers? NEXT !

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