@Bruins de Boston

Nouvelle division des Bruins de Boston

La LNH reviendra avec de nouvelles divisions au cours de cette saison raccourcie. Selon les rumeurs, la nouvelle division des Bruins de Boston comprendrait les Penguins de Pittsburg, les Capitals de Washington, les Sabres de Buffalo, les Flyers de Philadelphie, les Devils du New Jersey, les Islanders de New York et les Rangers de New York. Dans cette vidéo, je donne mon avis sur chaque équipe et sur la nouvelle division des Bruins.


  1. I don’t mind that division at all. The only way to be the best is to play the better teams. We’ll be fine

  2. Not having to play Tampa & Toronto is fine with me & on paper I’d say none of these teams are much better then the bruins if better at all

  3. This is the kind of division that can get us hard and ready for a playoffs that many not be ready for. I mean Flyers, Penguins…just a hard time no matter how you slice it. Islanders are the most dangerous in my opinion they just don’t give up. Can’t wait for this season.

  4. Congrats on reaching the 1K mark, I think the channel will just keep growing from here.

  5. Hey BNG! I was a long time B's fan, now living down south. Glad to have found your channel. I used to follow the team the way you do now. One suggestion. Can you volume match your intro/outro with the main body of your content. They're like, Game 7 OT against the Leafs BERGERON BERGERON BERGERON loud!

  6. You should do a Bruins Franchise mode series… id love to see who you would trade for

  7. Division standings prediction:
    1. Bruins
    2. Flyers
    3. Islanders
    4. Capitals
    5. Penguins
    6. Rangers
    7. Sabres
    8. Devils

  8. I’m not too worried if this will be the finalized. Only teams that I believe might be a tough match will be the flyers, islanders, and capitals.

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