@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Suspension Jason Spezza des Maple Leafs de Toronto

Jason Spezza des Maple Leafs de Toronto a été suspendu 6 matchs par la LNH pour son coup sûr sur les Jets de Winnipeg Neal Pionk. Neal Pionk a été suspendu 2 matchs pour son genou sur l’attaquant des Maples Leafs de Toronto Rasmus Sandin. Neal Pionk des Jets de Winnipeg est sorti avec une commotion cérébrale. Le département de la sécurité des joueurs de la LNH suspend 6 matchs de Jason Spezza. Vidéo sur la sécurité des joueurs de la LNH Jason Spezza. Jason Spezza Neal Pionk Genou. Neal Pionk Rasmus Sandin Genou. Découvrez d’autres créateurs de contenu IMPRESSIONNANTS de la LNH Peg City Hockey: https://www.youtube.com/c/PegCityHockey/featured Nolan Hockey Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/c/NolanHockeyPodcast Comment me contacter: Discord: https://discord.gg/BN4U9RcMN9 Twitter: @hot_garbage_s Instagram: @coach_ryan_d Email: r.didoshak@gmail.com Liens d’affiliation Hot Garbage Sports – Voir ci-dessous pour mon équipement, mes programmes, mes outils et mes vêtements que j’utilise pour créer ma chaîne Edmonton Casquette des Oilers : https://amzn.to/3G1wS4z Tuque des Oilers d’Edmonton : https://amzn.to/3vnbCl5 Casquette des Oilers d’Edmonton : https://amzn.to/3lSAvC7 Casquette des Flames de Calgary : https://amzn.to /3lRTf4m Chapeau des Jets de Winnipeg : https://amzn.to/3ANliq4 Chapeau des Maple Leafs de Toronto : https://amzn.to/3aQ0t2A Chapeau des Canadiens : https://amzn.to/3AOkXDn Chapeau des Canucks Yellow Skate : https:// amzn.to/3DQSDSJ Canucks Hat Green V : https://amzn.to/3BT3vyY Canucks Hat Blue Stick : https://amzn.to/2YW2iZc Gold Leaf Hat Worn By Me : https://amzn.to/3lSznOT Gold Chapeaux de Toronto portés par moi : https://amzn.to/3j9UCd2 Or Érable L eaf Hat (Toronto Raptors) *CDA : https://amzn.to/3xXwLlI Gold Maple Leaf Hat Curved *CDA : https://amzn.to/3dBBVMu *USA : https://amzn.to/3dzlKPU Red Leaf Hat (Toronto Blue Jays) *CDA (Gris/Rouge) : https://amzn.to/3jMjc55 *CDA (Noir/Rouge) : https://amzn.to/3juM1mh *CDA (Rouge/Bleu) : https:/ /amzn.to/368i3MR *USA (Gris/Rouge) : https://amzn.to/3ygTLfA *USA (Bleu/Rouge) : https://amzn.to/3y7PI5k *USA (Noir/Blanc) : https : //amzn.to/2UejcQo Ma chaîne YouTube Gear *Rejoignez Discord et DM moi pour les questions sur l’équipement Mon microphone : *CDA : https://amzn.to/2U38NXQ *États-Unis : https://amzn.to/3husWxZ Mon interface audio : *CDA : https://amzn.to/3hbYfxe *États-Unis : https://amzn.to/3qFQYu2 Mon amplificateur de signal – Requis avec le micro SM7B *CDA : https://amzn.to/3zZ3I33 *États-Unis : https : //amzn.to/3jzFKG6 Mon casque : *CDA/USA : https://amzn.to/2UeVTWD Mon amplificateur audio : *CDA : https://amzn.to/3w01qO7 *USA : https://amzn.to /2Uit0bY Ma webcam : Logitech Brio *CDA : https://amzn.to/3hcB0TV *États-Unis : https://amzn.to/2UkDSWP Logiciel que j’utilise pour créer des vidéos ! Montage vidéo : Adobe Premiere Pro – Vignettes du programme payant : Adobe Photoshop – Programme payant Montage audio : Adobe Audition – Création du logo du programme payant : Adobe Illustrator – Enregistrement vidéo du programme payant : OBS Studio : https://obsproject.com/ – Logiciel gratuit Adobe Creative Cloud Canada – Essai gratuit de 7 jours https://clk.tradedoubler.com/click?p(264303)a(3228176)g(22913540)url(https://www.adobe.com/ca/creativecloud/plans. html) Individuel (Ce que j’utilise et paie) – 69,99 $ CAD / Mois Étudiants et enseignants – 25,99 $ CAD / Mois Adobe Creative Cloud USA – Essai gratuit de 7 jours https://clk.tradedoubler.com/click?p(264303)a( 3228176)g(22913540)url(https://www.adobe.com/creativecloud/plans.html) Individuel (Ce que j’utilise et paie) – 52,99 $/mois Étudiants et enseignants – 19,99 $/mois


  1. I love Spezza and love him on the leafs. He brings so much to the team. But that potentially career ending hit on Pionk… Man I can't defend it. It's a dirty hit. Deserves the suspension, and I'm not ashamed to say, he's lucky that it's 6 games. A hit like that should warrant even 10. And if player safety was still ran by shannahan, it mightve. He gave out suspensions for breakfast.

  2. Alot of what goes on depends on the refs DOING THEIR JOB !
    WHY are they even in the game anyway? If you don't want to call it fairly, don't be a ref !
    Why even have 2 refs?
    What happens on the streets if you don't have stoplights?
    CHAOS ! My point is, control of the game has to improve.
    Justice needs to start with prevention first…It could save someone's career and lively-hood.

  3. Sheldon Keefe saying that he told his bench to send a message prior to this event is contributing to the suspension

  4. Pionk wasn't supposed to still be in the game. Intentionnal knee contact is a game misconduct. NHL is trying to save face. Fire the referees, no other smart option there. Down the terlit, don't write us down on your curriculum

  5. Agree, it doesn't seem anybody in the NHL players safety office knows what consistancy is.
    I do think they almost got the Spezza one right though (he'd of got 10 from me)
    and Pionk should of got 4 plus a major in the game.
    I have no problem handing out heavy suspensions & fines because thats the only way to alter how guyz play ….if Pionk got 5m or 5m and the game Spezza has no opportunity to try n deliver "hockey justice" to Pionk and meathead Simmonds doesn't blow a gasket and go after any blue sweater within range!!!
    The NHL is a joke the way they do things, they claim to care about players safety and they do the concussion protocol thing for guys that get hit in the head by hits or pucks or anytime a player hits his head but yet still allows fighting where they let guys punch each other in the head till one guy falls down and they only get a 5m penalty ….do they realize how stupid that looks? I guess not right!!!
    They're only one lost lawsuit away from being forced to ban fighting its only a matter of time!!!

  6. Great video… yes, the player safety department is clearly and wildly inconsistent.

  7. Coach I'm curious on your take on Marchand's recent suspension (3 games) for a hit that didn't even result in a penalty. Marchand is a repeat offender and I do agree he's a pain in the ass but I'm not sure he's on a Tom Wilson level. Good content as always 👍

  8. Dirtiest hit since Matt Cooke was in the league. He should never play in the NHL again after that garbage

  9. Maybe 2 games for Pionk, 6 for Spezza; but for the sake of equity, 4 for the refs? Might be a new approach!

  10. Why did Pionk only get 2 games? his hit was intentional, caused an injury that was a lot more severe than Spezza's

  11. I really think you nailed it with this video. I've never watched your channel before but your comments really resignations. The DOPS is a complete and utter joke within consistency. I love this sport and even love a lot of the rough stuff but there's no place for some of this in the sport. Referees have to be better, protection has to be better and we have to stop teaching kids to play dirty. If you grew up playing you've been taught how to slew foot trip, slash the back of the knees and wrists when refs aren't watching etc. Anything to get an edge. THAT culture has to change and I don't see it happening

  12. You cant compare this to the scheifele suspension, because you always get less games in the playoffs. Take for example kucherov hit on nutivaara.

  13. Everyone talks about Spezza but no one talks about what Pionk did to Sandin prior to that… players got suspensions for way less…

  14. "The onus is on Spezza to ensure the hit is delivered legally" This rule I guess doesn't apply to Jakob Trouba I guess…this fucking league man, what a joke.

  15. The Department of Player Saftey is wildly inconsitent because it's really about game management and always has been. It's only about "the rules" when things get out of hand. Too often we see refs giving out weak penalties and evening up the score to keep games interesting or "win one for the home team." That's why, historically, teams like the Leafs and Bruins get away with so much nonsense- because the league needs their bigger markets and doesn't really care how small and mid-market teams develop.

    It's going to take another Isles/Penguins style brawlfest to get the NHL to fix the problem, or at least admit that there's a problem.

  16. Knee to the head, head hits the ice, head hits the boards and Bunting gives him a shot in the head again in the player scrum.

  17. Let's look more recent. Jack Campbell in Minnesota head hit from Foligno the night before this and Joseph Woll head hit in the same game. Both these shots knocked the Leaf's goalie over and received no penalty and they were not even looked at. If they didn't have to take the mandatory walk to the room, I'm sure they would've both taken a break. Both looked dizzy afterwards and did not get up immediately. Spezza was enacting player safety for the Leaf's because certainly no one else was. Tavares hit by Cory Perry last year is worth mentioning, too. Again, not even looked at. If you accidentally trip someone, it's a 2 minute penalty. If you accidentally knee a Leaf in the head and put him in the hospital, it's Ok – No Penalty Required.

  18. Gotta look at this with a positive spin. 1/3 of the season is in and this rest could be beneficial for Jason and the Leafs moving forward 😀

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