@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Bettman sur la situation des Coyotes : « C’est un bon marché »

Le commissaire de la LNH, Gary Bettman, a parlé de la situation actuelle avec les Coyotes et de leur manque d’aréna et a discuté de ce que l’avenir nous réserve. Bettman a déclaré qu’il pensait que l’Arizona restait un bon marché et tant qu’il y aurait un engagement pour un nouveau bâtiment en route, cela vaudrait la peine de s’en tenir au marché.


  1. If there ever was a smoking gun that Bettman hates Winnipeg… This is it!

    He'll give the losers in every way possible Coyotes all the chances they need to keep their loser team. But he wouldn't keep them in Winnipeg where they were loved and as time has shown would recover from the hard times of the 90's.

  2. So, back in 96 or whenever the winnipeg jets 1.0 gets approval to move to glendale. The arena is a challenge to get to, the suns dont want to share venues and not many butts in seats. All of this and its a good market? Explain this to me.

  3. Is it just me or would it be great if they moved to Houston TX
    Because for one Texas deserves multiple teams and they don’t even own a AHL team so I think they should there

  4. Attendance, ownership, multiple bankruptcy, inept rosters year after year, not to mention the fact that they are homeless…..
    Yeah, that's a marquee franchise if I've ever seen one
    The guy just can't admit when he's wrong
    That franchise has almost never been "good"
    The only thing of worth that the Coyotes have produced is Auston Matthews

  5. Gary is basically that guy in a toxic relationship who keeps definitely his cheating girlfriend“ I just know if they gets this 57th chance they’ll turn it around and she’ll stop getting railed by other dudes” Just lettem go Gary.

  6. Auston Mathews will be there at the end of his current contract. Similar to Gretzky to LA which let's be honest was a league deal. Mathews will sign as a free agent and is probably already top 3 American player ever. By that time new building will be built and attendance should sky rocket. Unfortunate for Quebec which deserves a team way before the state of Arizona but you are not gaining new fans from Quebec, you are in AZ. Just my guess but I think that's how it plays out. I hope I am wrong

  7. Does Gary have Parkinson’s? Guy bobbles his head so much when he’s talking he’s making me dizzy

  8. You know you're a narcissist when the whole world is telling you you're wrong and yet you still have to have it your way when its clearly the wrong decision. If the decision was made to move the Coyotes tomorrow, how many people do you think would take to the streets in front of the arena to protest? Oh yeah, they don't have an arena.

  9. "Gary Bettman"
    Gary – 4 letters
    Bettman – 7 letters – minus "tt" – 5 letters
    4 + 5 = 9
    9 + "tt" = 911

  10. Thank you commissioner. Its hard being a phoenix/arizona coyotes fan.
    Going those this not my first time going throught this. I was there when the nhl own the team.
    I am willing to watch the coyotes go through this plan
    Its good to see them planning to move to the east valley. Coyotes should've move to Glendale the first place.

  11. 'Houston Coyotes' would not only sound better phonetically, but would also do far better in the long run as part of a fierce new rivalry with the Dallas Stars to the north.
    Even Texans who don't normally follow hockey would get emotionally involved in that kind of rivalry in a big way, and both teams would still be in the NHL's western conference anyway, and probably even in the same division (the Colorado Avalanche would likely be moved over to the Pacific Division in such a scenario).
    So moving the Coyotes to Houston is really a logical no-brainer, and both the Coyotes team owner and the NHL brass should just cut their losses and figure out a deal or arrangement of some kind to make this move happen for the long term benefit of both the league and the team franchise itself.
    Tilman Fertitta, the owner of the Houston Rockets and the Toyota Center arena in Houston doesn't want to buy or own the Coyotes, but would be happy to host them as their landlord.
    Ok perhaps not ideal, but sometimes you just have to take what you can get in exchange for more long term operational certainty and life success.

  12. Mr. Bettman. As a fan of the Coyotes, the time has come for you and the league to face the writing on the wall that you apparently have been avoiding for years.

    I love this team, I wish this team would succeed. But clearly that success is not going to happen in a place like Arizona. I know you probably don’t like to admit that you’re in the wrong here, but please for the sake of the NHL and the sport of hockey as a whole, do the right thing.

    End the Coyotes misery. I don’t care if you have to move them to somewhere like Quebec or Houston. Just do the right thing.

  13. FInd it funny everyone is telling them to move to another state yet the phoenix metro area has a population of around 5 million people it's just that the owners who moved to Glendale made the stupid descion to move to a demographic that is convenient for about 20 percent of those people if it was actually in phoenix they would have a lot more people going to the games.

  14. He is right. Born and raised in Phoenix since 1988. The coyotes never had a chance when they moved to Glendale and its all Glendale's fault they should have never put a bid out. Scottsdale voted them down. They just need to be closer to the east valley and they will be fine. If you come to Phoenix you will see how youth Hockey has exploded in the Valley since the Coyotes came here. Auston Matthews as a perfect example.

  15. It’s incredible how disingenuous this guy is. Blaming the city of Glendale, despite them showing more patience than most would in their situation. Why would Tempe want to build an arena for a team that can’t draw or pay its bills? And playing 3 years in basically a shed, with no guarantee Tempe will even approve a new arena? Yes Phoenix is a good market, just not for hockey. Same with Sunrise/Fort Lauderdale, Carolina, etc. Being in a good market with many wealthy residents doesn’t mean that they’ll want to follow your product. In most expansion cases, at least in southern America, we’ve seen that doesn’t work. Trying to make it work on Bettman’s part just shows desperation, stubbornness and ineptitude. Minus a few markets, the NHL is mostly a B- product, with even MLS and lacrosse being more popular in some areas. Glendale already said it would make more money with a few concerts a year than they ever made with the coyotes lol.

  16. Although I like Bettmans candor(somewhat) about the situation here in Arizona the biggest joy from this clip is his jab at the Suns organization & perhaps the city”planners” of Phoenix itself. Sadly No city has made a decent return on “helping” a team sustain its longevity in a specific location. To move a team from one obnoxious location to another absurd “barn” proves a franchise is not interested in “giving back” unless a franchise doesn’t have to “pay back” anything. Also, It’s laughable when someone says “smaller barn, more raucous “.. so much for the season ticket holder with a family in the upper decks… brilliant..
    Oh, With the closure of ASUs old barn, the yotes taking more ice at north Scottsdale, & Glendale removing its sheet will lessen opportunity for youth hockey. All in the name of excessive profitability. When will “cities” wake up. Let the new stylist casino owners pay for it entirely themselves. So much for growing the game. Petulant billionaire owners

  17. I hate Bettman and always have. But the overall state of hockey as it stands right now, from MY perspective, is as good as it's ever been. The on ice product is fantastic, games are exciting and competitive, both skilled and tough players are able to shine, and i am easily able to watch as much of it on tv or online as i want at a reasonable price. And this has occurred under Bettman's watch. And when it comes down to it, isn't the above all that really matters? The rest is truly just "noise" and matters not if you choose to not let it bother you. And as a person who sometimes likes to reflect on my own thoughts and opinions and tries to eliminate as much bias from my thinking as i can, when i ask myself why i hate Bettman it comes down to a couple of things.
    Firstly, an American coming from the NBA that knows nothing about hockey comes into the NHL and wants to rule our Canadian game! How dare HE and how dare THEY! Secondly, he's very "weaselly" in both appearance and mannerisms and gives out an air of pompousness and smugness.
    And that's about it! My "hate" for Bettman says more about my quirks and weaknesses of character than it does about Bettman himself.
    All in all, i still hate him, but i will perhaps reconsider my opinion in the near future…or maybe not. Human's are strange animals, and if nothing else, i am human.

  18. The tiny little boy can't admit when he is wrong. One of the many reasons the NHL is a pathetic joke and will never be relevant.

  19. any excuse not to give quebec city their team back. arizona is literally the worst market. in the nhl

  20. Arizona Nevada Florida Atlanta are not hockey markets Seattle was always a favorite area for a NHL team
    Portland Houston Saskatchewan Hamilton Milwaukee Quebec city Hartford are way better cities for an NHL team

  21. Why then. Gary, was Atlanta moved in a heartbeat yet the Yotes are put on life support seemingly every year?

  22. It is such a shame that King Gary stubbornly commits to keeping the Coyotes in Arizona – while the fans in Quebec City can't wait to have the Nordiques back. Arrogant and smug Bettman does not want to admit that he made a mistake giving Arizona a team back in around 1997. No wonder the fans in Canada hate this asshole!

  23. If it's such a good market, how come the team has lost millions and millions every year for 25something years?

  24. Lmao a 20 year lease Glendale you fucked your self over and all the businesses in front of the arena

  25. Phoenix metro is a good market-EAST VALLEY- R U sure Glendale is not in CA.? Get us a stadium
    built an the “East Side” will rock it! 🤠

  26. Guy can't even keep his eyes open while he spews bullshit out of his mouth.

  27. If he moves the Yotes then Austin Matthews may stay in Toronto. Can't have that!

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