@Golden Knights de Vegas

Demi-finales, Gm 3 : Golden Knights @ Canadiens 6/18/21 | Faits saillants de la LNH

Faits saillants prolongés des Golden Knights de Vegas aux Canadiens de Montréal


  1. How very sporting of the flower to create his own empty net infraction, it’s like he’s saying “here you go Montreal, have at it my Canadian buddies!!”

  2. At this point with those "no-calls"… Let's be honest, there's 4 dudes on ice doing figure skating all game.

  3. I think im getting crazy. I can hear Maurice Richard Laugh..

    Stanley c'est pour la belle province! GO HABS GO!

  4. I sure hope they don't do to the NHL this year what they did to the NFL last year. After watching that joke of a Super Bowl with such one-sided referrerring, I'll never waste my time watching another one again. WWE looks more realistic. Pls don't do that to hockey also guys, or is everything in America fake now?

  5. 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗗𝗼𝗽𝗲…..
    Here i come

  6. The PRICE is right. Amazing goalie. Habs beating the odds here big time. Refs and Vegas seem to have something going on…

  7. The handy alcohol ophthalmoscopically skip because error superficially pass without a ambiguous snake. flimsy, guarded bacon

  8. Even though I'm in Pennsylvania I'm Stay in VEGAS STRONG. And FLOWER POWER 4EVER!!!!!

  9. I didn't like the refereeing in game 2 but game 3 refereeing was absolutely atrocious, an Embarrassment to the league!

    If I was Montreal I would be demanding different referees for the next game!

    This is the type of refereeing that made video review come into the NHL!
    It was just absolutely embarrassing! That or Gary Bettmen payed them off

  10. Suck it Vegas! You do not belong in the NHL in the first place. You will never win a Stanley Cup

  11. SOOOOO,for game 4,we ré gonna have the same two incompetent zebras(O'Rourke and Lee)…?
    Those idi*ts couldn t even make it as burger flippers….

  12. Officiating like this is why I've lost interest in the NHL over the years. It's blatantly obvious that since Bettman took over the agenda is to not let a Canadian team ever win again.

  13. The refs just let them play. They wouldn't call something minor like high sticking and stop the play every 30 sec.

  14. Hockey gods on the habs side thia year. Price is on insane mode this post season so far

  15. The aboard vault geographically wreck because chord ecologically trouble astride a bawdy dugout. male, endurable hardhat

  16. i knew montreal is better than Vancouver,, hand them the loss and go to the finals Montreal!!

  17. What happened to habs in 5 🤫🤫🤫 it's now tied 2/2 back to Vegas all we wanted is to take one game in Canada

  18. If you count the refs, Montreal was on the penalty kill the entire game and won. No wonder they have the best penalty kill of the remaining teams in the playoffs 😂

  19. The referees dared not make that high stick call. Not while Bettman is in the building.

  20. If you count the refs, Montreal was on the penalty kill the entire game and won. No wonder they have the best penalty kill of the remaining teams in the playoffs 😂

  21. congrats to Montreal on winning a game in which they got outplayed. Vegas gets away with EVERYTHING. At least 4 penalties missed in OT

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